Questa è la pagina dedicata a Connie Willis.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Doomsday Book: A Novel (Oxford Time Travel) (English Edition)”.
Doomsday Book: A Novel (Oxford Time Travel) (English Edition)
To Say Nothing of the Dog (Oxford Time Travel) (English Edition)
From Connie Willis, winner of multiple Hugo and Nebula Awards, comes a comedic romp through an unpredictable world of mystery, love, and time travel . . . Ned Henry is badly in need of a rest. He’s been shuttling between the 21st century and the 1940s searching for a Victorian atrocity called the bishop’s bird stump. It’s part of a project to restore the famed Coventry Cathedral, destroyed in a Nazi air raid over a hundred years earlier. But then Verity Kindle, a fellow time traveler, inadvertently brings back something from the past. Now Ned must jump back to the Victorian era to help Verity put things right—not only to save the project but to prevent altering history itself.
The Best of Connie Willis: Award-Winning Stories (English Edition)
All Clear (English Edition)
All Clear (Urania Jumbo)
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