Questa è la pagina dedicata a Kathleen Krull.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “One Day in Wonderland: A Celebration of Lewis Carroll’s Alice”.
One Day in Wonderland: A Celebration of Lewis Carroll’s Alice
A joyful, playful celebration of Lewis Carroll’s love of language combined with an introduction to his life and the origin of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, exquisitely illustrated by Julia Sarda. The wordsmith Lewis Carroll is famed for the freewheeling world of Wonderland in his beloved classics Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. In this gloriously illustrated book, Carroll’s childlike love of life is showcased alongside his brilliance at creating and adapting playful words and phrases. From brillig and uglification to frumious and chortle, the award-winning author Kathleen Krull uses many of Carroll’s own words to tell the story of a man who wanted to make children laugh and whose legacy continues to entertain and delight. There is a glossary of Carroll’s invented words at the back of the book. Julia Sarda’s striking illustrations offer an interpretation of Lewis Carroll’s work that is faithful to the spirit of his writing and the look of the real life Alice. Packed with rich and surprising details, Julia’s artwork makes this a stunning book to treasure. Fans will enjoy the complete and unabridged edition of Alice’s Adventures of Wonderland with gorgeous colour illustrations by Julia Sarda throughout, also published by Two Hoots. One Day in Wonderland is the perfect gift for all fans of Alice, young and old.
Lives of the Artists: Masterpieces, Messes (And What the Neighbors Thought)
Born Reading: Twenty Stories of Women Reading Their Way into History (English Edition)

Marie Curie (Giants of Science) (English Edition)
Walking toward Peace: The True Story of a Brave Woman Called Peace Pilgrim (English Edition)
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