Questa è la pagina dedicata a Alexandra Horowitz.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The Year of the Puppy: How Dogs Become Themselves (English Edition)”.
Come pensa il tuo cane
Cosa sanno i cani? Cosa pensano? Chiunque abbia la fortuna di vivere accanto a un amico a quattro zampe non può fare a meno di chiederselo. In questo libro una psicologa cognitiva (e padrona di cani) spiega come i cani percepiscono il loro mondo quotidiano, i loro simili, e quei buffi animali che li accompagnano, gli umani, permettendo ai lettori di entrare nella testa di questi straordinari animali. Come pensa il tuo cane è un saggio aggiornato ai più recenti risultati della ricerca scientifica, ma anche una miniera di utili consigli che, spiegandoci perché il nostro cane fa ciò che fa, ci indica anche la via per educarlo in modo rispettoso della sua identità.
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know (English Edition)
Horowitz, A: Our Dogs, Ourselves
In this book Alexandra Horowitz examines what’s called the ‘dog-human bond’: examining all aspects of the complexity of this unique interspecies pairing. From her position as a dog scientist, she uses the science of dogs and dog-human interaction to ground a consideration of the various ways that dogs, as a species, reflect us, and how they reflect (sometimes badly, sometimes well) on us. And she goes beyond the cognitive science to consider the culture, laws, and human dynamics that reveal and restrict this bond between two disparate species. Horowitz shows that when each person makes the decision to breed, own, or adopt a dog, we enter into a relationship that will change us. It changes the course of our days: dogs need to be walked, fed, attended to. It can change the course of our lives: dogs weave their way into our lives with their constant silent presence by our sides. There are still many (often non-‘scientific’) questions that remain unanswered about dogs: about their minds, yes, but especially about living with dogs in our society, and how we can best treat them now and in the future. This books addresses those questions. It is intended for the curious dog owner and science-lover alike, who wants to read good, intelligent thinking on dogs, not overly sentimental but not without heart.
Questione di naso: Essere un CANE in un mondo di ODORI
The Year of the Puppy: How Dogs Become Themselves (English Edition)
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