Questa è la pagina dedicata a Carlos Santana.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Suono universale: La mia vita”.
Suono universale: La mia vita
Santana: Guitar Play-Along Volume 21 [Lingua inglese]
Jam With Carlos Santana: Guitar Tab
Carlos Santana’s instantly recognisable guitar style brought the rhythms of Afro-Cuban music to generations of people who might otherwise never have heard them. His soulful playing has inspired guitarists the world over for the last three decades, and continues to do so today. The combination of musical notation and guitar tabulature in this book together with backing tracks on the CD gives you the opportunity to learn eight of Santana’s tracks note-for-note and them jam with a professional session band. The track listing reflects some of Santana’s most popular recordings, providing something for guitarists to have fun with and improvise with, as well as something to aspire to.
Carlos Santana. Ultimate Minus One. Con CD-Audio (Vol. 1)
Carlos Santana: O tom universal: Revelando minha história (Portuguese Edition)
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