Questa è la pagina dedicata a Donald Kagan.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The Peloponnesian War”.
La guerra del Peloponneso. La storia del più grande conflitto della Grecia classica
«Basandosi sulla sua incomparabile cultura di classicista, studioso delle relazioni internazionali e storico militare, Kagan in questo volume ci accompagna attraverso un racconto epico fatto di abbagli, superbia e audacia strategica.» – The Washington Post
Per quasi trent’anni, alla fine del V secolo a. C., l’Impero ateniese si scontrò con l’alleanza spartana in una terribile guerra da cui il mondo greco e la sua civiltà uscirono per sempre mutati. La guerra del Peloponneso fu, nel suo contesto storico, l’equivalente dei conflitti mondiali del XX secolo. Conflitto di una ferocia senza precedenti, violò per la prima volta il tradizionale codice bellico sfondando la linea sottile che separava la civiltà dalla barbarie. Donald Kagan, uno studioso di storia del mondo classico, rilegge questo momento di svolta per la civiltà occidentale attraverso la ricostruzione dettagliata e appassionante di alcune tra le più famose campagne militari dell’antichità.Opinioni:
La democrazia di Atene contro l’aristocratica Sparta nella terribile “guerra mondiale” dell’antichità. – LaFeltrinelli
The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition
Why did the Peace of Nicias fail to reconcile Athens and Sparta? Donald Kagan examines the years between the signing of the peace treaty and the destruction of the Athenian expedition to Sicily in 413 B.C. The principal figure in the narrative is the Athenian politician and general Nicias, whose policies shaped the treaty and whose military strategies played a major role in the attack against Sicily.
The Archidamian War (A New History of the Peloponnesian War) (English Edition)
The Peloponnesian War
For three decades in the fifth century b.c. the ancient world was torn apart bya conflict that was as dramatic, divisive, and destructive as the world wars of the twentieth century: the Peloponnesian War. Donald Kagan, one of the world’s most respected classical, political, and military historians, here presents a new account of this vicious war of Greek against Greek, Athenian against Spartan. The Peloponnesian War is a magisterial work of history written for general readers, offering a fresh examination of a pivotal moment in Western civilization. With a lively, readable narrative that conveys a richly detailed portrait of a vanished world while honoring its timeless relevance, The Peloponnesian War is a chronicle of the rise and fall of a great empire and of a dark time whose lessons still resonate today.
The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War
The first volume of Donald Kagan’s acclaimed four-volume history of the Peloponnesian War offers a new evaluation of the origins and causes of the conflict, based on evidence produced by modern scholarship and on a careful reconsideration of the ancient texts. He focuses his study on the question: Was the war inevitable, or could it have been avoided? Kagan takes issue with Thucydides’ view that the war was inevitable, that the rise of the Athenian Empire in a world with an existing rival power made a clash between the two a certainty. Asserting instead that the origin of the war “cannot, without serious distortion, be treated in isolation from the internal history of the states involved,” Kagan traces the connections between domestic politics, constitutional organization, and foreign affairs. He further examines the evidence to see what decisions were made that led to war, at each point asking whether a different decision would have been possible.
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