Questa è la pagina dedicata a Glennon Doyle.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living: THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER”.
Libera. Smetti di compiacere gli altri, comincia a vivere davvero
Un bestseller internazionale da oltre 2 milioni di copie che ci insegna a fidarci di noi stesse, a far pace con i nostri corpi, con le delusioni, i cuori spezzati e la nostra rabbia, per riuscire a liberare i nostri istinti più puri e sinceri e avere finalmente il coraggio di guardarci allo specchio e dire: ecco la donna che ho sempre voluto essere. Del resto, come direbbe Glennon Doyle: più saremo coraggiose, più saremo fortunate.
«Questo libro sconvolgerà la vostra mente e farà urlare il vostro corpo. Leggendolo mi sono sentita finalmente me stessa dentro al mio corpo per la prima volta nella mia vita» – Adele Ogni giorno noi donne combattiamo per essere buone e brave: come compagne, madri, lavoratrici e amiche. E invece di farci sentire vive, questa lotta quotidiana ci svuota, ci distrugge e ci ingabbia. Osserviamo la nostra vita e pensiamo: ma non doveva essere meglio di così? Però spesso, invece di guardarci dentro, facciamo finta di niente. Per molti anni anche Glennon Doyle ha negato a se stessa questo disagio finché ha deciso di ascoltare la voce della ragazza piena di voglia di vivere che era sempre stata, che le diceva di ignorare tutte le aspettative che il mondo caricava sulle sue spalle. Così Doyle ha smesso di essere buona e brava e si è liberata, ha smesso di compiacere gli altri e ha iniziato a vivere. Libera è al tempo stesso un intimo memoir e un libro motivazionale che ispira, coinvolge, intenerisce e ci sprona a vivere.Indomable / Untamed: Deja De Complacer, Empieza a Vivir
Carry On, Warrior: From Glennon Doyle, the #1 bestselling author of Untamed
Discover the journey that led to the No. 1 international bestseller Untamed, from the life-changing guru that every woman needs ‘Do it. Read it. Live it. Practice it.’ ADELE ‘Profound. I can’t stop thinking about this book’ Brene Brown ‘What an absolute guru of a woman’ ELIZABETH DAY, author of HOW TO FAIL ‘Here’s my hunch: nobody’s secure, and nobody feels like she completely belongs. Those insecurities are just job hazards of being human. On my deathbed, I’m not going to wish I had danced like JLo; I’m just going to wish I had danced more.’ On Mother’s Day, 2002, Glennon Doyle was unmarried, addicted to drugs, booze, food and bad love. But by a strange twist of fate, it was on this day that she discovered she was pregnant. After twenty years of wilful self-destruction, how could Glennon rise to the challenge of looking after the helpless, innocent child growing within her, when she couldn’t even look after herself? This is the inspiring story of Glennon Doyle; the mother who, for the love of her child, was determined to change her life forever. Carry On, Warrior is the life-changing book by Glennon Doyle about the power of the love we hold for our family, and for ourselves. Praise for Glennon Doyle ‘This book will shake your brain and make your soul scream’ Adele ‘Some books shake you by the shoulders while others steal your heart. Glennon does both at the exact same time’ Brene Brown ‘Remarkable’ Fearne Cotton ‘A testament to the power of vulnerability…words that anyone who’s ever known pain or shame can relate to’ Oprah Winfrey ‘This book will change lives, and I am incredibly grateful that it exists’ Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of EAT PRAY LOVE
Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living: THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER
‘This book will shake your brain and make your soul scream. I am so ready for myself after reading this book!’ Adele ‘Untamed will liberate women – emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is phenomenal.’ Elizabeth Gilbert, author of City of Girls and Eat Pray Love Who were you before the world told you who to be? Part inspiration, part memoir, Untamed explores the joy and peace we discover when we stop striving to meet the expectations of the world, and instead dare to listen to and trust in the voice deep inside us. From the beloved New York Times bestselling author, speaker and activist Glennon Doyle. ***** For many years, Glennon Doyle denied her discontent. Then, while speaking at a conference, she looked at a woman across the room and fell instantly in love. Three words flooded her mind: There. She. Is. At first, Glennon assumed these words came to her from on high but soon she realised they had come to her from within. This was the voice she had buried beneath decades of numbing addictions and social conditioning. Glennon decided to let go of the world’s expectations of her and reclaim her true untamed self. Soulful and uproarious, forceful and tender, Untamed is both an intimate memoir and a galvanising wake-up call. It is the story of how one woman learned that a responsible mother is not one who slowly dies for her children, but one who shows them how to fully live. It is also the story of how each of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries, make peace with our bodies, honour our anger and heartbreak, and unleash our truest, wildest instincts. Untamed shows us how to be brave. And, as Glennon insists, ‘The braver we are, the luckier we get.’
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