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Libri di John Sweeney Migliori da leggere e consigliati

Questa è la pagina dedicata a John Sweeney.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Hunting Ghislaine”.

The Church of Fear: The True Story of a Journalist’s Epic Clash with the Church of Scientology (English Edition)

The Church of Fear: The True Story of a Journalist's Epic Clash with the Church of Scientology (English Edition)
John Sweeney
Silvertail Books
Asin: B07h1kj5bd Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 263 Formato: Ebook Editore: Silvertail books Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 2.69

Killer in the Kremlin: The instant bestseller – a gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin’s tyranny

Killer in the Kremlin: The instant bestseller - a gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin's tyranny
John Sweeney
Bantam Press
Ean: 9781787636651 Asin: 1787636658 Isbn: 1787636658 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 304 Formato: Copertina rigida Edizione: 1 Editore: Bantam press Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 20.5

‘An extraordinarily prescient and fascinating book.’ – NIHAL ARTHANAYAKE ‘This swashbuckling book is a furious attack on the Russian president. Killer in the Kremlin traces Putin’s bloody career… a life littered with corpses.’ – THE TIMES THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER A gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin’s tyranny, charting his rise from spy to tsar, exposing the events that led to his invasion of Ukraine and his assault on Europe. In Killer in the Kremlin, award-winning journalist John Sweeney takes readers from the heart of Putin’s Russia to the killing fields of Chechnya, to the embattled cities of an invaded Ukraine. In a disturbing expose of Putin’s sinister ambition, Sweeney draws on thirty years of his own reporting – from the Moscow apartment bombings to the atrocities committed by the Russian Army in Chechnya, to the annexation of Crimea and a confrontation with Putin over the shooting down of flight MH17 – to understand the true extent of Putin’s long war. Drawing on eyewitness accounts and compelling testimony from those who have suffered at Putin’s hand, we see the heroism of the Russian opposition, the bravery of the Ukrainian resistance, and the brutality with which the Kremlin responds to such acts of defiance, assassinating or locking away its critics, and stopping at nothing to achieve its imperialist aims. In the midst of one of the darkest acts of aggression in modern history – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – this book shines a light on Putin’s rule and poses urgent questions about how the world must respond. —————- ‘No one in the world will forgive you for killing peaceful people.’ – VOLODYMYR ZELENSKIY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE

Politics & philosophy Current affairs & politics Political science – general Genocide & war crimes Libri in inglese Geopolitics World poilitics World / russian & former soviet union

Hunting Ghislaine

Hunting Ghislaine
John Sweeney
Hodder & Stoughton
Ean: 9781529375879 Asin: 1529375878 Isbn: 1529375878 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 320 Formato: Copertina rigida Edizione: 1 Editore: Hodder & stoughton Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 24.01

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who suffered a tragedy, the death of her father, a war hero, a philanthropist, a good man, in suspicious circumstances. She fled to New York where she made a new life with a brilliant mathematician. Her name is Ghislaine Maxwell and her lover was Jeffrey Epstein. Through Jeffrey, and her family name, Ghislaine became friends with some of the most powerful people on earth, ex-President Bill Clinton and President-to-be Donald Trump and the second son of the Queen of England, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. But this is no fairy tale. HUNTING GHISLAINE sets out the other side of the story, and it’s one of the darkest you will ever read. Ghislaine’s father, Robert Maxwell, was a sadist, a war criminal, a monster. His cruelty deformed Ghislaine Maxwell long before she met Jeffrey Epstein. Her one-time lover was convicted for being a paedophile. So Ghislaine’s life has been spent serving not one monster but two. In HUNTING GHISLAINE, legendary investigative journalist John Sweeney uncovers the truth behind this fairy tale story in reverse.

Biography & true stories Biography & autobiography Historical Criminals & outlaws Libri in inglese True crime Espionage & organized crime Organized crime

Scientology. La chiesa della paura

Scientology. La chiesa della paura
John Sweeney
D. Ballarini
Newton Compton Editori
Ean: 9788854154858 Asin: 8854154857 Isbn: 8854154857 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 330 Formato: Copertina rigida Editore: Newton compton editori Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 9

Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Will Smith sono solo alcuni dei famosi adepti – oltre che entusiasti sostenitori e importanti uomini-immagine – di una delle chiese più giovani ma più potenti del mondo: Scientology. Come è nato questo culto e come è riuscito a diffondersi a livello planetario, influenzando particolarmente l’ambiente cinematografico e i media americani? Chi era il suo fondatore Ron Hubbard e quali metodi vengono usati ancora oggi dai suoi affiliati per fare proselitismo? Come si entra nella setta e cosa bisogna fare per uscirne? Il giornalista investigativo John Sweeney con quest’inchiesta durata più di cinque anni, durante i quali è stato spiato e minacciato affinché abbandonasse le sue ricerche, risponde a questi interrogativi sulla base delle testimonianze dirette di ex-adepti, giunti al termine del faticoso percorso che li ha portati a lasciare la setta, ma anche di alcuni membri attivi, inclusi noti divi hollywoodiani, convinti che Scientology sia la risposta a tutti i mali nel mondo…

Religione Spiritualità Fedi alternative

Der Killer im Kreml: Intrige, Mord, Krieg – Wladimir Putins skrupelloser Aufstieg und seine Vision vom großrussischen Reich

Der Killer im Kreml: Intrige, Mord, Krieg - Wladimir Putins skrupelloser Aufstieg und seine Vision vom großrussischen Reich
John Sweeney
Larissa Rabe
Heyne Verlag
Ean: 9783453218499 Asin: 3453218493 Isbn: 3453218493 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 336 Formato: Copertina flessibile Edizione: 1 Editore: Heyne verlag Lingua: Tedesco Prezzo: 15.74

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