Questa è la pagina dedicata a letteratura Papuana.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area: A Comprehensive Guide (The World of Linguistics [WOL] Book 4) (English Edition)”.
The Native Races of the Indian Archipelago: Papuans
The Papuan Languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar. Volume 1 (Pacific Linguistics [PL] Book 644) (English Edition)
The Papuan Languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar. Volume 2 (Pacific Linguistics [PL] Book 655) (English Edition)
The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area: A Comprehensive Guide (The World of Linguistics [WOL] Book 4) (English Edition)
Pygmies & Papuans – The Stone Age To-Day In Dutch New Guinea [Lingua Inglese]
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