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Libri di Lidia di Simone migliori da leggere e consigliati

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Lidia Di Simone.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The World at My Feet: the most uplifting emotional story you’ll read this year (English Edition)”.

Love & the city: L’amore ai tempi dell’Expo (Color Collection)

Love & the city: L'amore ai tempi dell'Expo (Color Collection)
Lidia Di Simone
Asin: B00uw7nufs Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 264 Formato: Ebook Editore: Mondadori Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 4.99

The Other Half: Creating Gender-Balanced Teams for Sustainable Success

The Other Half: Creating Gender-Balanced Teams for Sustainable Success
Simona Scarpaleggia
Lid Pub Inc
Ean: 9781912555291 Asin: 1912555298 Isbn: 1912555298 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 186 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Lid pub inc Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 15.73

We live in a world that is unequal by nature. One could even say that its diversity is essential to all the world’s survival. However, inequality among human beings is one of society’s biggest problems. This book is about opportunities. It is about being at the forefront of a paradigm change and a win-win situation. And it is about leading one of the most compelling and exciting shifts in our society: women’s empowerment. Company leaders are used to dealing with radical changes in markets, technology and customer behaviour as an important part of their job. They are accustomed to interpreting these changes and adding innovative solutions for them together with their teams. How they do this makes all the difference. But there is a story that corporations all over the globe have chosen to ignore. This story is the sum total of millions of lost opportunities, because over half the potential workforce was left behind. Although half the population is made up of women, only 50% of them can earn a decent living. The Other Half sets out to change just that.

Business Economics & law Economics Women in business Libri in inglese Workplace culture

AudioEbook Biografía de Simón Bolívar

AudioEbook Biografía de Simón Bolívar
Libro Móvil
Asin: B0057ajzww Formato: Ebook Editore: Libro móvil Lingua: Spagnolo Prezzo: 2.19

The World at My Feet: the most uplifting emotional story you’ll read this year (English Edition)

The World at My Feet: the most uplifting emotional story you'll read this year (English Edition)
Catherine Isaac
Simon & Schuster UK
Asin: B085cnp2gs Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 429 Formato: Ebook Editore: Simon & schuster uk Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 4.4

Senzamarchio: Fine e Inizio (Saga dei Senzamarchio Vol. 1)

Senzamarchio: Fine e Inizio (Saga dei Senzamarchio Vol. 1)
Francesca Petroni
Andrea Tentori Montalto
Federica Petroni
Asin: B09y9csp4c Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 300 Formato: Ebook Edizione: 1 Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 2.99

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