Questa è la pagina dedicata a Lisa Tuttle.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Il profumo dell’incubo”.
La mia morte
Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction
What makes fantasy different from other types of fiction? How do you build a science fiction world? Does magic need rules? From outer space to cyberspace, from The Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter, fantasy and science fiction are more popular with readers than ever before, and offer a unique set of challenges to the writer. Award-winning author Lisa Tuttle draws on her own experience as writer, editor and teacher to offer practical advice and encouragement to the aspiring fantasy and science fiction writer. The book covers ideas, world-building, language, structure, short stories, writing for children, finding an agent and markets.
Il profumo dell’incubo
Il pianeta dei venti
The Lisa Tuttle Collection (English Edition)
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