Questa è la pagina dedicata a Melissa Fay Greene.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Orphaned: One Woman’s Mission to Save Africa’s AIDS Children (English Edition)”.
No Biking in the House Without a Helmet: 9 Kids, 3 Continents, 2 Parents, 1 Family (English Edition)
Orphaned: One Woman’s Mission to Save Africa’s AIDS Children (English Edition)
The Underdogs: Children, Dogs, and the Power of Unconditional Love (English Edition)
Praying for Sheetrock: A Work of Nonfiction (English Edition)
The Temple Bombing
At 3:37 in the morning of Sunday, October 12, 1958, a bundle of dynamite blew out the side wall of the Temple, Atlanta’s oldest and richest synagogue. The devastation to the building was vast-but even greater were the changes those 50 sticks of dynamite made to Atlanta, the South, and ultimately, all of the United States ( Detroit Free Press ). Finalist for the National Book Award, The Temple Bombing is the brilliant and moving examination of one town that came together in the face of hatred, a book that rescues a slice of the civil rights era whose lessons still resonate nearly fifty years after that fateful fall day.
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