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Libri di Michael Katakis Migliori da leggere e consigliati

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Michael Katakis.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Dangerous Men (English Edition)”.

Katakis, M: Thousand Shards of Glass

Katakis, M: Thousand Shards of Glass
Michael Katakis
Scribner UK
Ean: 9781471189197 Asin: 1471189198 Isbn: 1471189198 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 160 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Scribner uk Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 10.94

Once upon a time, Michael Katakis lived in a place of big dreams, bright colours and sleight of hand. That place was America. One night, travelling where those who live within illusions should never go, he stared into the darkness and glimpsed a faded flag where shadows gathered, revealing another America. It was a broken place, bred from fear and distrust – a thousand shards of glass – filled with a people who long ago had given away all that was precious; a people who had been sold, for so long, a foreign betrayal that finally came from within, and for nothing more than a handful of silver. These essays, letters and journal entries were written as a farewell to the country Michael loves still, and to the wife he knew as his ‘True North’. A powerful and personal polemic, A Thousand Shards of Glass is Michael’s appeal to his fellow citizens to change their course; a cautionary tale to those around the world who idealise an America that never was; and, crucially, a glimpse beyond the myth, to a country whose best days could still lie ahead. ‘A Thousand Shards of Glass, a book written with remarkable prescience some years ago, recounts with sad eloquence his disillusionment with America. His is a voice full of common sense and simple humanity that seem to have been lost in contemporary America. It is a voice both kind and angry, the voice of a reasonable man who has not lost his idealism but who is deeply troubled by what he sees and describes so clearly’ Dr. Henry Marsh, author of Do No Harm ‘Katakis writes with an economic elegance about the rift between America as advertised and America as experienced with the passion and precision of a poet’ Rick Klefell, NPR

Social science Psychology & education Social science – general General

Hemingway: l’uomo e il mito

Hemingway: l'uomo e il mito
Michael Katakis
Asin: B07slndjg7 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 424 Formato: Ebook Editore: Mondadori Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 12.99

Ernest Hemingway: Artifacts From a Life (English Edition)

Ernest Hemingway: Artifacts From a Life (English Edition)
Michael Katakis
Scribner UK
Asin: B076pq22nt Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 371 Formato: Ebook Editore: Scribner uk Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 23.53

Uomini pericolosi

Uomini pericolosi
Michael Katakis
Alba Mantovani
Ean: 9788804730125 Asin: 8804730129 Isbn: 8804730129 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 96 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Mondadori Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 12

Tagliente come un pezzo di vetro, sincera come l’acqua fresca, la raccolta narrativa d’esordio di Michael Katakis racconta storie al limite, scarne, violente, dolorose, ma capaci di mostrare, anche nell’ambiente più cruento, la potenza dell’amore.

Un vecchio cowboy fissa negli occhi la moglie agonizzante e ricorda il tempo lontano della sua giovinezza. Un fotoreporter e la moglie, malata senza speranza, si godono un’ultima serata insieme sotto una spettacolare luna piena. Una famiglia in attesa del figlio di ritorno dalla guerra in Bosnia. Un uomo in fin di vita ottiene la sua feroce vendetta sulle persone che gli hanno rovinato l’esistenza…

Narrativa straniera Narrativa contemporanea Narrativa moderna Racconti

Dangerous Men (English Edition)

Dangerous Men (English Edition)
Michael Katakis
Scribner UK
Asin: B082j4g453 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 80 Formato: Ebook Editore: Scribner uk Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 10.29

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