Questa è la pagina dedicata a Michael Moore.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Michael Moore:Un rebelde americano. (Idea Global) (Spanish Edition)”.
Stupid white men
Ricevendo l’Oscar 2003 per “Bowling a Columbine” Michael Moore ha pronunciato un discorso fortemente polemico nei confronti della politica statunitense e della guerra che gli Stati Uniti hanno mosso all’Iraq. In questo volume il regista offre un ritratto impietoso del suo Paese, molto diverso dalle oleografie ufficiali fatte di supremazia tecnologica e prosperità diffusa, attaccando in modo diretto e irriverente la giunta Bush, svelando truffe elettorali e connivenze dei giudici.
Michael Moore:Un rebelde americano. (Idea Global) (Spanish Edition)
Will They Ever Trust Us Again?: Letters from the War Zone to Michael Moore (English Edition)
Ma come hai ridotto questo paese?
Michael Moore, incubo degli “Stupid White Men” di tutto il pianeta, è tornato più scatenato che mai con un obiettivo semplice e chiaro, per nulla ambizioso: l’uomo che si è intrufolato nella Casa Bianca grazie all’aiuto non proprio disinteressato dei suoi amici petrolieri deve sloggiare. Ma nell’occhio del ciclone non c’è solo il povero George W.: gli tengono compagnia sulla graticola quei famelici megaboss delle multinazionali che hanno rubato miliardi dai risparmi e dalle pensioni dei loro dipendenti, quei legislatori che hanno fatto a pezzi le libertà civili americane in nome della “sicurezza della patria”, nonché quel certo cognato destrorso che riesce, un anno dopo l’altro, a rovinare i pranzi di famiglia con le sue idiozie.
Stupid White Men: …and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!
Now with more than three million copies sold, Oscar-winning filmmaker and political activist Michael Moore’s bestseller Stupid White Men tells you everything you need to know about how the great and the good screw us over. It reveals – among other things – how ‘President’ Bush stole an election aided only by his brother, cousin and dad’s cronies, electoral fraud and tame judges; how the rich stay rich while forcing the rest of us to live in economic fear; and how politicians have whored themselves to big business. Whether he’s calling for United Nations action to overthrow the Bush Family Junta, calling on African-Americans to place whites-only signs over the entrances of unfriendly businesses, or praying that Jesse Helms will get kissed by a man, Stupid White Men is Michael Moore’s Manifesto on Malfeasance and Mediocrity. A hilarious must-read for anyone who wants to know what the con is and how ‘they’ get away with it, Stupid White Men is only available uncensored because public pressure forced the original publishers to publish a book they felt was too hot to handle. Now it’s time to find out why. ‘A really great, hilarious, rollicking, fantastic read’ Newsnight Review ‘Caustic, breakneck, tell-it-like-it-is … He’s a genuine populist; a twenty-first-century pamphleteer’ Observer ‘Furious and funny. A great book’ Time Out ‘Hysterically funny. The angrier Moore gets, the funnier he gets. Sensational’ San Francisco Chronicle Author of international bestsellers Stupid White Men and Dude, Where’s My Country, Michael Moore’s 2002 film Bowling for Columbine won the Anniversary Prize at the Cannes Film Festival and the 2002 Academy Award for Best Documentary. His 2004 film Fahrenheit 9-11 won the 2004 Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, and is the highest-grossing documentary of all time. Released in 2007, Moore’s documentary Sicko, focused on the American healthcare system, was nominated for an Oscar.
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