Questa è la pagina dedicata a S.J. Kincaid.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Diabolic”.
Un diabolic non conosce la pietà. Un diabolic è potente. Un diabolic ha un solo compito: proteggere la persona per la quale è stato creato. E per farlo è disposto a tutto. Per Nemesis questa persona è Sidonia, unica erede del senatore von Impyrean, noto in tutta la galassia per i suoi contrasti con l’Imperatore. Anche se sono cresciute insieme, l’una accanto all’altra, il loro non è un rapporto tra pari. Nemesis, se necessario, darebbe la vita per Sidonia. E non esiterebbe a eliminare chiunque ne mettesse in pericolo la sicurezza. Sidonia, infatti, è tutto il suo universo. Senza di lei, la diabolic non avrebbe ragione di esistere. Perciò quando l’Imperatore della galassia, uomo crudele e assetato di potere, convoca Sidonia a corte con l’intento di prenderla in ostaggio e colpire così il padre ribelle, a Nemesis non resta che una soluzione per proteggerla: sostituirsi a lei e partire alla volta del palazzo imperiale. Una volta lì, mentre l’incombere della ribellione inizia a far tremare l’Impero, Nemesis si ritrova catapultata in un mondo di individui ambigui e corrotti e voltafaccia, e scopre così in sé un’umanità ben più profonda di quella trovata tra i cosiddetti esseri umani. Ciò che ancora non sa è che proprio questa potrebbe essere la chiave per salvare se stessa e forse anche l’Impero…
Per Nemesis questa persona è Sidonia, unica erede del senatore von Impyrean, noto in tutta la galassia per i suoi contrasti con l’Imperatore. Anche se sono cresciute insieme, l’una accanto all’altra, il loro non è un rapporto tra pari. Nemesis, se necessario, darebbe la vita per Sidonia. – LaFeltrinelli
The Empress (Diabolic 2): S.J. Kincaid
Get ready for the breath-taking sequel to The Diabolic – the novel that got everyone talking! ‘Nemesis is my kind of strong female character – she fights ruthlessly, she loves to the max and she even dances brilliantly. But is she human?’ Sally Green, author of Half Bad ‘A thrilling, pacy, addictive YA read’ Amy Alward, author of The Potion Diaries ‘Epic and electrifying’ Maximum Pop ‘With an adventurous, high-concept plot and emotionally complex characters, The Diabolic is definitely one of the best YA books of the year’ Culturefly It’s a new day in the Empire. Tyrus has ascended to the throne with Nemesis by his side and now they can find a new way forward – one where they don’t have to hide or scheme or kill. But having power isn’t the same thing as keeping it, and change isn’t always welcome. The ruling class has held control over planets and systems for centuries and they are not going to give up their power willingly, especially not to a teenage Emperor and Nemesis, who they consider nothing more than a creature and certainly not worthy of being Empress. Nemesis knows she will protect Tyrus at any cost; he is the love of her life and they are partners in this new beginning. But she also knows she can’t protect him by being the killing machine she once was. Instead she will have to prove the humanity that she’s found inside herself to the whole Empire – or she and Tyrus may lose more than just the throne… they might lose their lives. Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard and George R.R. Martin, The Empress will take you on a thrilling ride, not letting go until the very last page.
The Nemesis (Volume 3)
In the heart-pounding conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Diabolic series, the Empire teeters on the edge of destruction as rumors spread that Nemesis is still alive. Three years ago, Tyrus Domitrian shocked the galaxy by killing the woman he swore to love forever. The woman for whom he upended the Empire. The woman with whom he wanted to build a new and brighter future. Now, the once-idealistic heir apparent has become the cruel Emperor Tyrus, wielding his authority with an iron fist, capable of destroying planets with a single word, controlling all technology with a simple thought. He has bent the Grandiloquy to their knees, and none has the power to stand against him. But there is a muttering among the Excess. They say that Nemesis is not truly gone. They whisper of her shadow spotted in distant star systems. They say that Nemesis lives. That she will rise, and rally the people to topple the man who was once her truest love-and is now her fiercest enemy.
Insignia (English Edition)
Catalyst (Insignia Book 3) (English Edition)
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