Questa è la pagina dedicata a Simon Stålenhag.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The Labyrinth”.
The Electric State
Stranger Things meets On the Road in this hypnotic, lavishly illustrated novel. Set in a post-apocalyptic 1997, The Electric State is the story of Michelle who, accompanied by her toy robot Skip, sets out across the western United States in a stolen car to find her missing brother. Told in achingly melancholy, spare prose and featuring almost a hundred gorgeous, full-colour illustrations, The Electric State is a novel like no other. Rights in The Electric State have already sold in thirteen territories and Deadline reports that the film rights were snapped up by the Russo Brothers’ production company (Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War) with Andy Muschietti (Mama, It) attached to direct.
Tra il 1954 e il 1969 il governo svedese fa costruire il più grande acceleratore di particelle del mondo, un’enorme struttura circolare sotterranea, estesa per decine di chilometri nelle profondità della campagna attorno al lago Mälaren. La gente del posto chiama questo portento della tecnologia di fine secolo “il Loop”. Vent’anni dopo, la vita quotidiana di un gruppo di ragazzini scorre sullo sfondo di immense costruzioni industriali, avveniristiche e desuete allo stesso tempo, vecchie Volvo station-wagon e goffi robot artropodi, sterminati macchinari dismessi e misteriose sfere di metallo arrugginito – malinconia e tecnologia. I dipinti iperrealistici della Svezia suburbana anni Ottanta di Simon Stålenhag hanno raccolto reazioni di stupefatta ammirazione su Internet. Eccoli pubblicati in un volume che combina l’innocenza infantile dei bambini di Niccolò Ammaniti con le atmosfere sci-fi vintage di Stranger Things.
Stalenhag, S: Tales from the Loop
‘Remarkable… beautiful’ – National Public Radio These are the tales of an extraordinary journey: from the small towns of Sweden to the deserts of Nevada to the bitter chill of Siberia. A journey where children make friends with abandoned robots… in a world where dinosaurs roam freely. These are the Tales from the Loop. Stories told in both words and haunting illustrations, TALES FROM THE LOOP captures a not-too-distant reality that is both haunting and imminent: addressing the many ways developing technology and nature can create havoc and wonder in our world… and the hope we might still find in that future. Perfect for fans of everything from STRANGER THINGS to JURASSIC PARK to JUMANJI, Tales from the Loop is an incredible, unmissable work of genius. PRAISE for SIMON STALENHAG’Tales has the magic. It’s got the robots, the weirdness, the dinosaurs. But most of all, it has the wonder. No one who picks this book up will be the same person when they put it down again’ NPR on Tales from the Loop ‘No words to describe this novel in pictures. Stahlenhag defined a whole new aesthetic for scifi in the 21st century’ Damien Walter on The Electric State ‘A chilling, unforgettable visual and narrative experience’ Locus on The Electric State Stalenhag’s ‘stories crawl into my brain and mess with my memory of history, time and place’ NPR on The Electric State
Il Loop è chiuso. La vita sta tornando alla normalità quando la bucolica campagna viene improvvisamente allagata da un’acqua scura scaturita dall’immensa infrastruttura sotterranea abbandonata. Nelle aule e nei cortili delle scuole cominciano a diffondersi voci, storie sull’inondazione e su come abbia portato qualcosa con sé. Un fatto è chiaro: il passato non è pronto per essere dimenticato.
The Labyrinth
The Labyrinth is a unique vision of a dystopian future from one of the most sought-after visual storytellers in the world. A world covered by ruins and ash, the remnants of an otherworldly phenomenon that has ravaged the earth’s atmosphere and forced the few survivors deep underground. Matt, Sigrid and Charlie leave the safe harbour of the enclave for an expedition onto the wastelands of the surface world. During their journey they are forced to confront dark secrets from the time before civilization’s fall. Simon Stalenhagis the internationally acclaimed author and artist behind Tales From the Loop, Things From the Flood and The Electric State. He is world-renowned for his highly imaginative images and stories depicting illusive sci-fi phenomena in mundane, hyper-realistic Scandinavian landscapes. Perfect for fans of everything from Stranger Things to Jurassic Park to Westworld. PRAISE for SIMON STALENHAG’Tales has the magic. It’s got the robots, the weirdness, the dinosaurs. But most of all, it has the wonder. No one who picks this book up will be the same person when they put it down again’ NPR on Tales from the Loop ‘No words to describe this novel in pictures. Stahlenhag defined a whole new aesthetic for scifi in the 21st century’ Damien Walter on The Electric State ‘A chilling, unforgettable visual and narrative experience’ Locus on The Electric State Stalenhag’s ‘stories crawl into my brain and mess with my memory of history, time and place’ NPR on The Electric State
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