Questa è la pagina dedicata a Vikram Chandra.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Giochi sacri”.
Red Earth and Pouring Rain (Faber Fiction Classics) (English Edition)
Faber Stories: Shanti: Vikram Chandra
Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles. Who was she? Where was she going? Why did she return? It is 1945, and twenty-year-old Shiv, grieving his identical twin brother, retreats to a small town in Uttar Pradesh. He is preparing to jump onto the train tracks when he is stopped by the sight of a woman. Shanti’s husband is a fighter pilot missing in Burma. For the past three years she has travelled the country in search of him. In every military hospital she visits she hears a new story, and every time she passes through Leharia she tells one to Shiv. Through stories within stories Chandra tells a spiralling tale of loss, and of two wounded people becoming something new. Borrowing a structure from the Mahabharata, Vikram Chandra tells a spiralling story of loss, and of two wounded people becoming something new. Bringing together past, present and future in our ninetieth year, Faber Stories is a celebratory compendium of collectable work.
Giochi sacri
Sartaj Singh, ispettore di polizia a Mumbai, nota fino a poco tempo fa come Bombay, ha un lavoro ingrato. Vive infatti ed esercita la sua professione in una città che oltre alla sua assoluta e intensa bellezza gli sbatte in faccia ogni giorno un “sottobosco” di malaffare, crimine organizzato e violenza a cui Sartaj non si è mai assuefatto e contro il quale però non riesce a segnare decisive vittorie. La sua esistenza sembra dipanarsi così in una inerte caoticità, fatta di ladruncoli, microcorruzione e pasti in piedi. L’assassinio dell’erede di un boss della mafia locale, il pedinamento di pericolosi criminali e lo smascheramento di mille trame delittuose che coinvolgono gli strati più insospettabili della società indiana servono così da pretesto a Vikram Chandra per tessere una storia che unisce i ritmi forsennati dell’hard boiled alle pause silenziose della poesia, il sentimentalismo alla Bollywood al magistero dell’alta letteratura. Il risultato è un affresco potente e grandioso di una delle metropoli più complesse e avvincenti della contemporaneità.
Sacred Games
NOW A MAJOR NEW NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES Sartaj, the only Sikh inspector in the whole of Mumbai, is used to being identified by his turban, beard and the sharp cut of his trousers. But ‘the silky Sikh’ is now past forty, his marriage is over and his career prospects are on the slide. When Sartaj gets an anonymous tip off as to the secret hideout of the legendary boss of the G-company, he’s determined that he’ll be the one to collect the prize… Sacred Games is an epic novel of friendships and betrayals, of violence and love set against the backdrop of a teaming 21st century Mumbai.
Terra rossa e pioggia scrosciante
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