Questa è la pagina dedicata a soutache.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Soutache – one step beyond: Double-sided and spatial forms: 30 advanced exercises (English Edition)”.
Soutache. Istruzioni passo passo per realizzare collane, orecchini, bracciali e tanto altro
Splendidi gioielli e non solo, per questa nuova tecnica dai risultati stupefacenti e coloratissimi.
Elegant Soutache
Create stunningly intricate jewellery using soutache – a form of ornate braid or tassel. Providing plenty of photographed step-by-step instructions as a guide, Amee K. Sweet-McNamara shows intermediate-to-advanced jewellers the various techniques needed to make bracelets, pins, necklaces and earrings. From a richly hued Shimmering Sea Turtle Pendant to Crystal Coil Earrings and a Day of the Dead Bracelet, these 15 colourful pieces are magnificent.
Soutache: 30 Gorgeous Bead Embroidery Designs
Sensational Soutache Jewelry Making: Braided Jewelry Techniques for 15 Statement Pieces
Soutache – one step beyond: Double-sided and spatial forms: 30 advanced exercises (English Edition)

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