Questa è la pagina dedicata a Annie McKee.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Your Effectiveness”.
Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others Through Mindfulness, Hope and CompassionCompassion
Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Your Effectiveness
What distinguishes great leaders? Exceptional leaders capture passion. They lead for real: from the heart, smart and focused on the future, and with a commitment to being their very best. As Annie McKee and Richard Boyatzis have shown in their bestselling books Primal Leadership and Resonant Leadership, they create resonance with others. Through resonance, leaders become attuned to the needs and dreams of people they lead. They create conditions where people can excel. They sustain their effectiveness through renewal. McKee, Boyatzis, and Frances Johnston share vivid, real-life stories illuminating how people can develop emotional intelligence, build resonance, and renew themselves. Reflecting twenty years of longitudinal research and practical wisdom with executives and leaders around the world, this new book is organized around a core of experience-tested exercises. These tools help you articulate your strengths and values, craft a plan for intentional change, and create resonance with others. Practical and inspiring, Becoming a Resonant Leader is your hands-on guide to developing emotional intelligence, renewing and sustaining yourself and your relationships, and taking your leadership to a whole new level. This book is ideal for anyone seeking personal and professional development and for consultants, coaches, teachers, and faculty to use with their clients or students.
How to Be Happy at Work: The Power of Purpose, Hope, and Friendship
Life’s too short to be unhappy at work “I’m working harder than I ever have, and I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore.” If you’re a manager or leader, these words have probably run through your mind. So many of us are feeling fed up, burned out, and unhappy at work: the constant pressure and stress, the unending changes, the politics–people feel as though they can’t give much more, and performance is suffering. But it’s work, after all, right? Should we even expect to be fulfilled and happy at work? Yes, we should, says Annie McKee, coauthor of the bestselling Primal Leadership. In her new transformative book, she makes the most compelling case yet that happiness–and the full engagement that comes with it–is more important than ever in today’s workplace, and she sheds new light on the powerful relationship of happiness to individual, team, and organizational success. Based on extensive research and decades of experience with leaders, this book reveals that people must have three essential elements in order to be happy at work: A sense of purpose and the chance to contribute to something bigger than themselves A vision that is powerful and personal, creating a real sense of hope Resonant, friendly relationships With vivid and moving real-life stories, the book shows how leaders can use these powerful pillars to create and sustain happiness even when they’re under pressure. By emphasizing purpose, hope, and friendships they can also ensure a healthy, positive climate for their teams and throughout the organization. How to Be Happy at Work deepens our understanding of what it means to be truly fulfilled and effective at work and provides clear, practical advice and instruction for how to get there–no matter what job you have.
Felici al lavoro. Senza entusiasmo, speranza e buone relazioni non si arriva al successo
Davvero, la vita è troppo breve per sprecarla svolgendo un lavoro che ci rende infelici. Eppure fin troppa gente non è per niente soddisfatta del proprio impiego. La pressione costante, i cambiamenti indesiderati, o quelli che non arrivano, i rapporti pessimi con i colleghi, la difficoltà a essere se stessi… Tutte queste dinamiche nocive, purtroppo, incidono inesorabilmente sulla nostra vita personale e si traducono in stress ed esaurimenti. Ma è il lavoro dopotutto. Dovremmo aspettarci di essere realizzati e contenti in questi contesti? L’autrice sostiene di sì e ci spiega perché è importante impegnarsi per un ambiente sereno. Il testo, basato su una ricerca durata decenni, rivela che le persone devono avere tre elementi essenziali: 1. uno scopo e contribuire a grandi obiettivi; 2. una visione potente e personale che crei speranza; 3. relazioni amichevoli. Con questi tre pilastri ben fissati è possibile capovolgere il senso della vita sul luogo di lavoro. Il testo fornisce consigli e spunti, tratti anche da casi reali, per raggiungere uno stato di felicità e soddisfazione.
Emotionale Führung: Durch emotionale Intelligenz erfolgreich in Führungspositionen sein
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