Home » Migliori Libri di Arianna Huffington

Migliori Libri di Arianna Huffington

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Arianna Huffington.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Thrive [Lingua inglese]: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life”.

The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time

The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time
Arianna Huffington
WH Allen
Ean: 9780753557211 Asin: 0753557215 Isbn: 0753557215 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 416 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Wh allen Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 15.43

JP Morgan’s Best Summer Read 2018 We are in the midst of a sleep deprivation crisis, and this has profound consequences – on our health, our job performance, our relationships and our happiness. In this book, Arianna Huffington boldly asserts that what is needed is nothing short of a sleep revolution. Only by renewing our relationship with sleep can we take back control of our lives. Through a sweeping, scientifically rigorous and deeply personal exploration of sleep from all angles, Arianna delves into the new golden age of sleep science that reveals the vital role sleep plays in our every waking moment and every aspect of our health – from weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease to cancer and Alzheimer’s. In The Sleep Revolution, Arianna shows how our cultural dismissal of sleep as time wasted not only compromises our health and our decision-making but also undermines our work lives, our personal lives and even our sex lives. She explores all the latest science on what exactly is going on while we sleep and dream. She takes on the dangerous sleeping pill industry and confronts all the ways our addiction to technology disrupts our sleep. She also offers a range of recommendations and tips from leading scientists on how we can achieve better and more restorative sleep, and harness its incredible power. In today’s fast-paced, always-connected, perpetually harried and sleep-deprived world, our need for a good night’s sleep is more important – and elusive – than ever. The Sleep Revolution both sounds the alarm on our worldwide sleep crisis and provides a detailed road map to the great sleep awakening that can help transform our lives, our communities and our world.

Health Fitness & diets Diseases & disorders Sleep & sleep disorders

La revolución del sueño: Transforma tu vida, noche tras noche (Spanish Edition)

La revolución del sueño: Transforma tu vida, noche tras noche (Spanish Edition)
Arianna Huffington
Isabel Blanco González
Plataforma Editorial
Asin: B01mu9bfv3 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 408 Formato: Ebook Editore: Plataforma editorial Lingua: Spagnolo Prezzo: 6.54

Arianna Huffington: Media Visionary and Wellness Evangelist (Global Business Visionaries) (English Edition)

Arianna Huffington: Media Visionary and Wellness Evangelist (Global Business Visionaries) (English Edition)
Leah McGrath Goodman
Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Asin: B07qptj1l8 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 352 Formato: Ebook Editore: Weidenfeld & nicolson Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 3.99

Thrive [Lingua inglese]: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life

Thrive [Lingua inglese]: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life
Arianna Huffington
Random UK
Ean: 8601418415794 Asin: 0753555425 Isbn: 0753555425 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 352 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Random uk Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 11.81

On Becoming Fearless: A road map for women

On Becoming Fearless: A road map for women
Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington
Little, Brown US
Ean: 9780316166829 Asin: 0316166820 Isbn: 031616682x Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 240 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Little, brown us Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 16.62

Arianna Huffington uses stories from her own life, from contemporary women she admires, and from women in history and literature to show how to be bold, how to make yourself bulletproof, and how to act without dreading the reactions of others. As a mother, politician, and businesswoman, Huffington discusses how to be strong, be your best self, and stop looking over your shoulder for approval. In chapters such as Fearlessness at Work, Fearlessness in Relationships, Fearlessness in Parenting, and Fearlessness in Aging, she delivers instructive and much-needed lessons about how to flourish as a fearless woman in today’s world.

Social science Psychology & education Gender studies Feminism & feminist theory

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