Questa è la pagina dedicata a Brower.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Yoga. L’arte dell’attenzione. Ediz. illustrata”.
Inside Art Direction: Interviews and Case Studies
Honorable Mention in the Foreword Indie Awards 2016 For many design students, the expectation is that they will one day reach the top of the ladder within a design studio or corporation and become an art director. But what does this mean and how does a design student get there? What does an art director do? How is it different from being a designer? How does one lead and inspire a team, work with freelance designers, illustrators and photographers? Inside Art Direction answers all these questions for design students and professionals alike. Through interviews with 18 art directors working in a range of different industries from books and magazines to music and film to web and app design, students learn about how they got to where they are, what the art director’s job really entails, and receive advice about the future of art direction. In the 28 case studies, illustrators, art directors and editors discuss specific assignments that they worked on, how they came up with ideas and the process of getting to the final result. With practical, hands-on advice, tips and art direction assignments that students can try out, Inside Art Direction provides insights about this fascinating field.
Practice You Daily Awakening Deck
54 Portals to Explore, Illuminate, and Nurture Your True Self Sometimes it takes just one simple question, contemplation, or movement of the body to unlock the wisdom, strength, and creativity within us. That’s the intention behind the Practice You Daily Awakening Deck. From celebrated teacher and author Elena Brower comes a powerful way to nurture yourself and find balance. Each card opens a new door, inviting you inward to reconnect and find inspiration within yourself. Intended to be used either as a complement to Brower’s Practice You: A Journal or on its own, this luminous deck includes meditations, writing prompts, movement practices, prayers, and more. At home or on the move, these cards will awaken the intelligence of your best self. Includes 54 practice cards and 4 blank personal practice cards.
Samuel Brower’s Antihero Anthology: Hatchet Man, Devil Woman, and Florida Man
Yoga. L’arte dell’attenzione. Ediz. illustrata
L’attenzione permette di osservarci e di guardare dentro di noi, imparando ad affrontare con il giusto approccio qualsiasi cosa. Tale capacità di osservazione di noi stessi e del nostro comportamento è la chiave che ci consente non solo di armonizzare le dissonanze tra la nostra interiorità e il mondo esterno, ma anche di imparare ad amarci. Le cinque sequenze di questo libro traggono ispirazione da diverse tradizioni dell’Hatha Yoga, dalla filosofia yogica, dagli insegnamenti di Gurdjieff sulla quarta via e dal Metodo Handel. Ogni sequenza prevede un lavoro interiore che ci conduce all’ascolto, al rispetto, alla fiducia e alla guarigione. Che si tratti di sequenze dinamiche o ristorative, di posture fisiche o di meditazione, ciascuna delle cinque pratiche ci offre non solo una diversa prospettiva di vita, ma anche una prefazione scritta da cinque autorevoli fonti d’ispirazione: MC Yogi, musicista e insegnante di yoga; Gabrielle Bernstein, autrice di libri di spiritualità; Donna Karan, stilista e attivista; Gwyneth Paltrow, attrice pluripremiata e titolare del sito Goop; e Christy Turlington Burns, fondatrice di Every Mother Counts, associazione che si batte per la tutela della salute delle gestanti nel mondo. Queste pagine ci invitano a fare della nostra attenzione un’arte, a disegnare le sequenze più adatte a noi e anche a elaborare un nostro yoga personale.
Notebook For Brower: Personalized Name Notebook For Brower, Birthday Gift For Girls and Women, 6×9, 120 College Ruled Page Vintage Journal For Men, Boys, Kids, Students
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