Home » Migliori Libri di Eleanor Anstruther

Migliori Libri di Eleanor Anstruther

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Eleanor Anstruther.

In questa pagina troverai 3 prodotti, tra cui “A Perfect Explanation: Longlisted for the 2019 Not the Booker Prize”.

Un’ottima spiegazione

Un'ottima spiegazione
Eleanor Anstruther
Asin: B083f8b642 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 290 Formato: Ebook Editore: Rizzoli Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 9.99

A Perfect Explanation: Longlisted for the 2019 Not the Booker Prize

A Perfect Explanation: Longlisted for the 2019 Not the Booker Prize
Eleanor Anstruther
Ean: 9781784631642 Asin: 1784631647 Isbn: 1784631647 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 320 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Salt Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 15.48

Longlisted for the Not the Booker Prize 2019 Longlisted for The Desmond Elliott Prize 2019 Observer: Fiction to look out for in 2019 The i Paper’s 30 of the best new debut novels to read in 2019 Scottish Review of Books: 2019 in Prospect As featured on BBC Woman’s Hour, Sky Sunrise and London Live ‘Filled with cerebral intensity and scintillating dialogue’ -The Desmond Elliott Prize Exploring themes of ownership and abandonment, Eleanor Anstruther’s bestselling debut is a fictionalised account of the true story of Enid Campbell (1892-1964), granddaughter of the 8th Duke of Argyll. Interweaving one significant day in 1964 with a decade during the interwar period, A Perfect Explanation gets to the heart of what it is to be bound by gender, heritage and tradition, to fight, to lose, to fight again. In a world of privilege, truth remains the same; there are no heroes and villains, only people misunderstood. Here, in the pages of this extraordinary book where the unspoken is conveyed with vivid simplicity, lies a story that will leave you reeling.

Fiction Literary fiction Literary

A Perfect Explanation (English Edition)

A Perfect Explanation (English Edition)
Eleanor Anstruther
Asin: B07p85by4j Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 325 Formato: Ebook Editore: Ecco Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 5.29

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