Questa è la pagina dedicata a Jennifer Paxton.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Anatomicum: Muzeum Anatomii”.
Anatomicum. Il grande libro del corpo umano. Ediz. a colori
Come funzionano i muscoli, come si formano i pensieri? Come può una singola cellula svilupparsi per diventare un essere umano? Benvenuto nel libro-museo in cui potrai scoprire tutti i segreti del corpo umano, attraverso meravigliose tavole anatomiche e spiegazioni accurate e accessibili.
Com’è fatto il nostro corpo? – LaFeltrinelli
Paxton, J: Anatomicum Activity Book
Using the incredible Anatomicum as inspiration, this activity book is bursting with fascinating facts and puzzles, perfect for budding artists and science enthusiasts. Activities include amazing mazes, mix-and-match brain-teasers, colouring, drawing and much, much more. With pull-out pages, readers can easily tear out their creative masterpieces to proudly display.
Anatomicum: (Welcome To The Museum)
Welcome to the museum that is always open to explore… Step inside the pages of Anatomicum to enjoy the experience of a museum from the comfort of your own home. The 2019 offering from Welcome to the Museum guides readers through the human body, from the muscles we use to show emotion, to the delicate workings of the brain. With sumptuous artwork by Katy Wiedemann and expert text by professor Dr Jennifer Z Paxton, this beautiful book is a feast of anatomical knowledge.
Anatomicum: Muzeum Anatomii
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