Questa è la pagina dedicata a John Bradshaw.
In questa pagina troverai 4 prodotti, tra cui “Come diventare il migliore amico del tuo cane”.
Healing the Shame That Binds You: Recovery Classics Edition
Come diventare il migliore amico del tuo cane
Il cane è un animale superiore. Lo adottiamo perché diventi un amico, non uno schiavo. E invece ci aspettiamo che siano affettuosi come bambini e autonomi quanto gli adulti, che siano di compagnia quando ne abbiamo bisogno e invisibili per il resto del tempo, che siano sani ed efficienti anche se li abbiamo selezionati solo per essere belli. Il risultato? Incomprensione e involontarie crudeltà, più spesso di quanto pensiamo. Per esempio, sembra che ci capiscano al punto di prevedere ciò che stiamo per fare, perché sono molto sensibili al linguaggio del corpo; ma sbagliamo nell’attribuire loro pensiero strategico perché sono intrappolati nel presente, incapaci di concepire cause e conseguenze delle loro azioni. Vivono nella nostra stessa casa ma la percepiscono in modo diverso: noi con gli occhi, loro con il naso; è improbabile che si lamentino del colore che abbiamo scelto per le pareti del salotto, ma l’odore della vernice o dei nostri detersivi probabilmente offende il loro olfatto. Ed è inutile sgridarli e colpirli: ci sono precise ragioni evolutive e sociali per cui rispondono molto meglio alle ricompense che alle punizioni. In questo libro, risultato di vent’anni passati a studiare il loro comportamento, John Bradshaw sovverte buona parte dei luoghi comuni sui cani e su come si debba interagire con loro. Tranne uno: sono davvero i nostri migliori amici, e si ritengono parte della nostra famiglia. Già pubblicato da Rizzoli nel 2011 con il titolo “La naturale superiorità del cane sull’uomo”.
Cat Sense: The Feline Enigma Revealed
From John Bradshaw, one of the world’s leading experts on animal behaviour, and the author of the Sunday Times Bestseller, In Defence of Dogs, Cat Sense shows us the true, surprising nature of cats Cats are the most popular pet in the world. They outnumber the dog, man’s ‘best friend’, by three to one. Yet today, they face unprecedented challenges in their life with humans: from conservationists who cast them as a threat to wildlife; from other cats who they compete for territory with; and from good-intentioned owners and vets with misconceptions of what they require. Cats need not so much our sympathy, but our understanding. Cat Sense offers us for the first time a truly scientific, yet deeply affectionate, picture of one of humanity’s closest and most enigmatic companions. ‘A mind-altering book … delightful’ – Lynne Truss, The Times ‘Exceptionally thorough … Bradshaw’s concern and love for cats shines through … You could buy a dozen books by the many cat whisperers, cat gurus and cat therapists that exist in our feline-obsessed modern world, but their accumulated wisdom would probably not help you understand your cats as well as Cat Sense’ – Tom Cox, Observer ‘An entertaining book, written in a relaxed style’ – James McConnachie, Sunday Times ‘Witty, surprising writing … There is his delight in detail, a talent for dismantling myths, but most importantly an ability to build a coherent and entertaining theory from an apparent contradiction that all cat-lovers will recognise: we seek to understand cats even though it is our lack of understanding that makes us love them’ – Herald John Bradshaw is a biologist who founded and directs the world-renowned Anthrozoology Institute, based at the University of Bristol. He has been studying the behaviour of domestic cats and their owners for over 25 years, and is the author of many scientific articles, research papers and reviews.
Bradshaw on: The Family: A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem
Based on the public television series of the same name, Bradshaw On: The Family is John Bradshaw’s seminal work on the dynamics of families that has sold more than a million copies since its original publication in 1988. Within its pages, you will discover the cause of emotionally impaired families. You will learn how unhealthy rules of behavior are passed down from parents to children, and the destructive effect this process has on our society. Using the latest family research and recovery material in this new edition, Bradshaw also explores the individual in both a family and societal setting. He shows you ways to escape the tyranny of family-reinforced behavior traps–from addiction and co-dependency to loss of will and denial–and demonstrates how to make conscious choices that will transform your life and the lives of your loved ones. He helps you heal yourself and then, using what you have learned helps you heal your family. Finally, Bradshaw extends this idea to our society: by returning yourself and your family to emotional health, you can heal the world in which you live. He helps you reenvision societal conflicts from the perspective of a global family, and shares with you the power of deep democracy: how the choices you make every day can affect–and improve–your world.
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