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Migliori Libri di Michael Wolff

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Michael Wolff.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (English Edition)”.

Assedio. Fuoco su Trump

Assedio. Fuoco su Trump
Michael Wolff
Ean: 9788817143233 Asin: 8817143235 Isbn: 8817143235 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 405 Formato: Copertina rigida Editore: Rizzoli Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 6.42

La cronaca straordinariamente avvincente di «Assedio» comincia all’avvio del secondo anno della presidenza Trump e termina con la consegna del rapporto Mueller, rivelando un’amministrazione sempre più sotto il torchio degli inquirenti e un presidente via via più suscettibile, imprevedibile e vulnerabile.

Società Politica e comunicazione Politica Governo Governo centrale Politiche del governo centrale Relazioni internazionali Struttura Processi politici Leader politici Leadership Reportage Raccolte giornalistiche

In Fuoco e Furia, Wolff aveva descritto la prima fase dell’amministrazione Trump. Con Assedio ha scritto un reportage altrettanto essenziale ed esplosivo su una presidenza sotto attacco su quasi ogni fronte. LaFeltrinelli

Fuoco e furia: Dentro la Casa Bianca di Trump

Fuoco e furia: Dentro la Casa Bianca di Trump
Michael Wolff
Asin: B078yy62xm Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 360 Formato: Ebook Editore: Rizzoli Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 9.99

Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency (English Edition)

Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency (English Edition)
Michael Wolff
The Bridge Street Press
Asin: B0978cf66y Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 327 Formato: Ebook Editore: The bridge street press Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 6.49

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (English Edition)

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (English Edition)
Michael Wolff
Henry Holt and Co.
Ean: 9781250158079 Asin: B077f4wzzy Isbn: 1250158079 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 339 Formato: Ebook Editore: Henry holt and co. Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 5.35

#1 New York Times Bestseller With extraordinary access to the West Wing, Michael Wolff reveals what happened behind-the-scenes in the first nine months of the most controversial presidency of our time in Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Since Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, the country—and the world—has witnessed a stormy, outrageous, and absolutely mesmerizing presidential term that reflects the volatility and fierceness of the man elected Commander-in-Chief. This riveting and explosive account of Trump’s administration provides a wealth of new details about the chaos in the Oval Office, including: — What President Trump’s staff really thinks of him — What inspired Trump to claim he was wire-tapped by President Obama — Why FBI director James Comey was really fired — Why chief strategist Steve Bannon and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner couldn’t be in the same room — Who is really directing the Trump administration’s strategy in the wake of Bannon’s firing — What the secret to communicating with Trump is — What the Trump administration has in common with the movie The Producers Never before in history has a presidency so divided the American people. Brilliantly reported and astoundingly fresh, Fire and Fury shows us how and why Donald Trump has become the king of discord and disunion. “Essential reading.”—Michael D’Antonio, author of Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success, CNN.com “Not since Harry Potter has a new book caught fire in this way…[Fire and Fury] is indeed a significant achievement, which deserves much of the attention it has received.”—The Economist

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Fuego y furia: En las entrañas de la Casa Blanca de Trump (HUELLAS) (Spanish Edition)

Fuego y furia: En las entrañas de la Casa Blanca de Trump (HUELLAS) (Spanish Edition)
Michael Wolff
Julio Hermoso Oliveras
Ediciones Península
Asin: B079cqq9pz Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 430 Formato: Ebook Editore: Ediciones península Lingua: Spagnolo Prezzo: 5.99

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