Questa è la pagina dedicata a Michelle Kennedy.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Gandhi Was A Libra”.
Gandhi Was A Libra
Carrie O’Connor is a good mother. But when bipolar disorder overtakes her brain, she starts to do things that even she can’t believe she is doing at the time. It’s all part of the roller coaster ride, however, as her disease takes her to the brink of criminality and beyond. When she ends up in a mental institution, this formerly normal young housewife learns that the line between sane and not can sometimes be quite blurry.
Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America (English Edition)
The God-Given Diet: If God Didn’t Put It Here, Don’t Freaking Eat It
A Fine Mess: Living Simply With Children
Don’t Pee in the Wetsuit: A Worldwide Romp Through Grief, Laughter and Forgiveness (English Edition)
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