Questa è la pagina dedicata a Olaf Hajek.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Olaf Hajeks fantastische Früchte: Mit großformatigen Gemälden und interessantem Wissen”.
Olaf Hajek’s Fantastic Fruits
As in his previous books, Flower Power and Veggie Power, Hajek’s whimsical, imaginative paintings-inspired by a variety of artistic traditions-situate each fruit in a fascinating cultural context. Each “portrait” features delightful pictorial clues about how the fruits are grown and consumed. Opposite the illustrations, Annette Roeder’s engaging texts offer illuminating and often surprising facts from throughout history and contemporary life. As mouthwatering as a summer peach, and as surprising as a pomegranate’s seeds, this book serves up page after page of delicious, nutritious, but most of all fun portions of fruity knowledge from all over the world.
Olaf Hajeks fantastische Früchte: Mit großformatigen Gemälden und interessantem Wissen
Olaf Hajeks Buch vom Gemüse: Die wichtigsten Gemüsesorten in fantastischen Illustrationen für alle Pflanzenfans von 8 bis 99 Jahren
Olaf Hajeks Buch der Blumen: Pflanzen mit Heilkraft in fantastischen Illustrationen für alle Pflanzenfans von 8 bis 99 Jahren
Flower Power: La forza gentile delle piante
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