Questa è la pagina dedicata a Oriana Ramunno.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Il bambino che disegnava le ombre”.
Il bambino che disegnava le ombre
Ashes in the Snow: The stunning new historical crime thriller debut of 2022 set in World War II
A beautiful, moving detective story set in Auschwitz in the Christmas of 1943. A young Jewish prisoner… Auschwitz, 1943. It’s snowing outside and Block 10 looks even bleaker than usual. Gioele Errera, a young Jewish boy imprisoned in the camp, finds the body of an SS officer. A detective with everything to prove… Hugo Fischer is sent to investigate the unexplained death of the renowned Nazi. But Hugo is hiding a secret – he is suffering from a degenerative disease. The only way for him to survive is to give his support to the Reich and hide his condition. A confrontation with pure evil… In Auschwitz, Hugo comes face to face not only with a complex murder, but with a truth – that of the Final Solution. And he is forced to decide what is most important to him – and who, if anyone, he should try to save…
Briganti si muore (History Crime)
L’ira dell’angelo (History Crime)
Sassi (Delos Crime)
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