Questa è la pagina dedicata a Raymond Briggs.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The Snowman: The Book of the Classic Film (English Edition)”.
The Snowman
Father Christmas
Raymond Briggs, creator of The Snowman – inspiration for The Snowman and The Snowdog – introduces us to a rather grumpy Father Christmas. In this hilariously irreverent Christmas book, Father Christmas has awoken from a dream of summer sun to discover it is December 24th, Christmas Eve – the start of his longest night’s work of the year! Much merriment ensues as Father Christmas travels the world, with a few issues along the way, to bring joy to children everywhere. Published 40 years ago, this delightful anniversary edition has lost none of its charm. This book was awarded The Library Association’s Kate Greenaway Medal.
Babbo Natale. Ediz. illustrata
È la Vigilia e Babbo Natale si prepara per la consegna dei regali. Ma che faticaccia! Soprattutto se fa freddo, c’è la neve e il camino è troppo stretto… Età di lettura: da 4 anni.
The Snowman: The Book of the Classic Film (English Edition)
The Bear (English Edition)
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