Questa è la pagina dedicata a Richard J. Connors.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Warren Buffett o biznesie: Zasady guru z Omaha”.
Cycle of Power: Career of Jersey City Mayor Frank Hague
Warren Buffett on Business: Principles from the Sage of Omaha
The proven business principles of Warren BuffettWarren Buffett is one of the most admired and prolific investors and managers in corporate America. Warren Buffett on Business is a timeless guide to strategies that can help you run a successful business. This book is a one-of-a-kind collection of Buffett’s letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades, and in a clear, simple style distills the basic principles of sound business practices.Through Buffett’s own remarkable words, this practical management handbook shares valuable insights on communicating with, and treating employees and shareholders fairly; responsible corporate governance; ethical behavior; patience and perseverance; admitting mistakes; and having a passion for work. * Contains priceless pearls of business and management wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative * Designed in an accessible manner and organized by business and management topics with strong lessons from Buffett * Provides direct, hands-on information on major topics concerning managers, entrepreneurs, business students, and anyone interested in businessInformative and inspiring, this unique book puts Warren Buffett’s business beliefs in perspective.
A Time to Keep: a Memoir: A Memoir (English Edition)
Warren Buffett o biznesie: Zasady guru z Omaha
The Road to the Armistice 1918 (English Edition)
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