Questa è la pagina dedicata a Robert Williams.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Romeo e Giulietta da William Shakespeare. Classicini. Ediz. illustrata”.
Romeo e Giulietta da William Shakespeare. Classicini. Ediz. illustrata
Una collana di classici pensata espressamente per il target dei più piccoli. Economica, maneggevole, tascabile, di prezzo accessibile e molto accattivante dal punto di vista grafico. I Classicini sono libri leggeri, coloratissimi, scanzonati, che vogliono rendere giustizia a storie emozionanti e bellissime, storie che si possono e si devono poter raccontare come delle fiabe, che si possono voler leggere e rileggere tante volte. Età di lettura: da 7 anni.
The Lowbrow Art of Robert Williams
Marx’s Inferno: The Political Theory of Capital
Marx’s Inferno reconstructs the major arguments of Karl Marx’s Capital and inaugurates a completely new reading of a seminal classic. Rather than simply a critique of classical political economy, William Roberts argues that Capital was primarily a careful engagement with the motives and aims of the workers’ movement. Understood in this light, Capital emerges as a profound work of political theory. Placing Marx against the background of nineteenth-century socialism, Roberts shows how Capital was ingeniously modeled on Dante’s Inferno, and how Marx, playing the role of Virgil for the proletariat, introduced partisans of workers’ emancipation to the secret depths of the modern “social Hell.” In this manner, Marx revised republican ideas of freedom in response to the rise of capitalism. Combining research on Marx’s interlocutors, textual scholarship, and forays into recent debates, Roberts traces the continuities linking Marx’s theory of capitalism to the tradition of republican political thought. He immerses the reader in socialist debates about the nature of commerce, the experience of labor, the power of bosses and managers, and the possibilities of political organization. Roberts rescues those debates from the past, and shows how they speak to ever-renewed concerns about political life in today’s world.
Raphael and the Redefinition of Art in Renaissance Italy
Raphael was one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance and one of the most important and influential in the entire history of art. His practice of ‘synthetic’ or ‘critical’ imitation became a model of creative method; his engagement with the principle of decorum revealed its deeper expressive and philosophical significance and the operation of his workshop helped to redefine the nature of the work that artists do. Robert Williams draws upon the history of literature, philosophy, and religion, as well as upon economic history, to support his detailed and illuminating accounts of Raphael’s major works. His analyses serve as the foundation for a set of hypotheses about the aims and aspirations of Italian Renaissance art in general and the nature of art-historical inquiry.
Una pagina del libro del 1917 How to tell Birds from the Flowers by Robert Williams Wood (1868-1955) Poster Stampa di Robert Williams Wood (24 x 36)
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