Questa è la pagina dedicata a Sandro Petrone.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Self-Disclosure”.
Language in the multimodal web domain
Boundaries of Privacy: Dialectics of Disclosure (Suny Series in Communication Studies)
Self-disclosure is a major factor in the development, maintenance and deterioration of a relationship. This volume explores how individuals negotiate with their relationship partners: what, where, when and how they communicate personal feelings and thoughts. Among the issues examined are: how close relationships and self-disclosure are mutually transformative; how subcultural differences between men and women influence self-disclosure in relationships; how the vulnerability and risk associated with disclosing personal information leads partners to be concerned about privacy regulation; and how stress-reducing disclosure, associated with the willingness to talk about stressful events, provides both a means of coping with unpleasant life events and access to social support.
Privacy and Disclosure of Hiv in interpersonal Relationships: A Sourcebook for Researchers and Practitioners (Routledge Communication Series) (English Edition)
Balancing the Secrets of Private Disclosures (Routledge Communication Series) (English Edition)
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