Home » Migliori Libri di Smith Lane

Migliori Libri di Smith Lane

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Smith Lane.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “La casa che un tempo”.

It’s a book

It's a book
Lane Smith
Pan Macmillan
Ean: 9781509884711 Asin: 1509884718 Isbn: 1509884718 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 32 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Pan macmillan Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 9.49

What’s the cure for digital fatigue? It’s a Book. A wry exchange between an IT-savvy donkey, a book-loving ape and a mouse forms this very funny picture book that’s perfect for both digital natives and book lovers. With a subversive and signature Lane Smith twist, this satisfying and perfectly executed picture book has something to say to children and adults alike about the importance and joy of reading. It’s a Book is another bold and funny story from the creator of the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal-winning There Is a Tribe of Kids, Lane Smith.

Children & teens Juvenile fiction Juvenile fiction – general Humorous stories Libri in inglese Computers & digital media Science & technology

C’è una tribù di bambini

C'è una tribù di bambini
Lane Smith
Beatrice Masini
Ean: 9788817086141 Asin: 8817086142 Isbn: 8817086142 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 40 Formato: Copertina rigida Editore: Rizzoli Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 14.25

Avete mai nuotato in uno sciame di meduse? Inseguito una truppa di bruchi? Dormito in un letto di ostriche? Dopo aver omaggiato i libri e la lettura in “È un libro”, Lane Smith celebra l’immaginazione e il suo potere di reinventare il mondo. E ci invita a una poetica riflessione sull’amicizia come motore primo dell’esistenza. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

Bambini Ragazzi Da 3 anni Libri illustrati Libri di attività Storie illustrate

It’s a Little Book

It's a Little Book
Lane Smith
Roaring Brook
Ean: 9781596437586 Asin: 1596437588 Isbn: 1596437588 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 24 Formato: Cartonato Editore: Roaring brook Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 7.67
Children & teens Juvenile fiction Juvenile fiction – general Books & libraries Libri in inglese Animals Animals / horses

There is a tribe of kids: Lane Smith

There is a tribe of kids: Lane Smith
Lane Smith
Ean: 9781509814008 Asin: 1509814000 Isbn: 150981400x Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 40 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Pan Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 7.46

Winner of the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2017 Did you ever want to waddle with a colony of penguins? Wriggle with an army of caterpillars? Or march with a troop of monkeys? Legendary illustrator Lane Smith takes us on a colourful adventure through the natural world, following a child as he weaves through the jungle, dives under the ocean and soars into the sky. Along the way he makes friends and causes mischief with a dazzling array of creatures both large and small – but can he find his own kind? Full of warmth and humour, There Is a Tribe of Kids is a sumptuously detailed portrayal of wild childhood to be pored over for hours on end. A witty and playful exploration of curiosity, discovery and what it means to belong, ideal for sharing with children of all ages. Sprinkled with beautiful gold flecks and specially designed peek-through flaps at the front and back.

Children & teens Juvenile fiction Juvenile fiction – general Imagination & play Libri in inglese Animals Animals / general Social themes Social themes / friendship

La casa che un tempo

La casa che un tempo
Julie Fogliano
Asin: B07q1bt621 Formato: Ebook Editore: Rizzoli Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 9.99

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