Questa è la pagina dedicata a Smith Lane.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “La casa che un tempo”.
It’s a book
What’s the cure for digital fatigue? It’s a Book. A wry exchange between an IT-savvy donkey, a book-loving ape and a mouse forms this very funny picture book that’s perfect for both digital natives and book lovers. With a subversive and signature Lane Smith twist, this satisfying and perfectly executed picture book has something to say to children and adults alike about the importance and joy of reading. It’s a Book is another bold and funny story from the creator of the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal-winning There Is a Tribe of Kids, Lane Smith.
C’è una tribù di bambini
Avete mai nuotato in uno sciame di meduse? Inseguito una truppa di bruchi? Dormito in un letto di ostriche? Dopo aver omaggiato i libri e la lettura in “È un libro”, Lane Smith celebra l’immaginazione e il suo potere di reinventare il mondo. E ci invita a una poetica riflessione sull’amicizia come motore primo dell’esistenza. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.
It’s a Little Book
There is a tribe of kids: Lane Smith
Winner of the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2017 Did you ever want to waddle with a colony of penguins? Wriggle with an army of caterpillars? Or march with a troop of monkeys? Legendary illustrator Lane Smith takes us on a colourful adventure through the natural world, following a child as he weaves through the jungle, dives under the ocean and soars into the sky. Along the way he makes friends and causes mischief with a dazzling array of creatures both large and small – but can he find his own kind? Full of warmth and humour, There Is a Tribe of Kids is a sumptuously detailed portrayal of wild childhood to be pored over for hours on end. A witty and playful exploration of curiosity, discovery and what it means to belong, ideal for sharing with children of all ages. Sprinkled with beautiful gold flecks and specially designed peek-through flaps at the front and back.
La casa che un tempo

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