Questa è la pagina dedicata a Wendy Lower.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Hitler’s Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields”.
The Ravine: A family, a photograph, a Holocaust massacre revealed
A strikingly original book about a terrible photograph – an exceptionally rare image documenting the horrific final moment of the murder of a family in Ukraine. A Times Book of the Year ‘A very rare kind of picture… To the murdered others, this book is an act of restitution’ David Aaronovitch, The Times ‘Detective work of the highest and most gripping order’ Philippe Sands ‘Lower’s pursuit of the truth is both captivating and meticuous’ TLS ‘Extraordinary and spell-binding’ Daily Mail ‘One photograph. That’s what it took to start Wendy Lower on an incredible journey of discovery’ Deborah Lipstadt The terrible mass shootings in Poland and the Ukraine are often neglected in studies of the Holocaust, because the perpetrators were meticulously careful to avoid leaving any evidence of their actions. Wendy Lower stumbled across one such piece of evidence – a photograph documenting the shooting of a mother and her children and the men who killed them – and has crafted a forensically brilliant and moving study that brings the larger horror of the genocide into focus. Shortlisted for the Historical Writers’ Association Non-Fiction Crown.
Le furie di Hitler. Complici, carnefici, storia delle donne che appoggiarono il Reich
«Volevo dimostrare di non essere da meno di un uomo» ha risposto Erna Petri a chi le chiedeva come avesse potuto freddare a bruciapelo sei bambini ebrei ai quali, poco prima, aveva offerto ospitalità. E il suo non fu un gesto isolato. Durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, quando il Reich si estese verso est, migliaia di giovani tra insegnanti, infermiere, segretarie e interpreti si trasferirono nelle regioni occupate e finirono per essere coinvolte nella macchina dell’Olocausto. La storia di queste donne, soprannominate le “furie di Hitler”, è stata spesso trascurata, soppressa, camuffata. La storiografia se ne è occupata poco, e così anche i processi giudiziari, da Norimberga in poi. Ma le donne che assassinarono a sangue freddo i prigionieri ebrei o i nemici del Reich sono esistite, erano tante, e particolarmente sadiche e spietate: solo nei lager ben 5000, un decimo del totale delle guardie, e uccidevano per non valere meno degli uomini. Dopo numerose ricerche d’archivio e interviste ai testimoni, Wendy Lower porta alla luce il loro mondo di inconcepibile ferocia, aggiungendo un tassello fondamentale alla comprensione della più grande tragedia del Novecento, ma soprattutto della storia e della natura umana.
Nazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine
On 16 July 1941, Adolf Hitler convened top Nazi leaders at his headquarters in East Prussia to dictate how they would rule the newly occupied eastern territories. Ukraine, the “”jewel”” in the Nazi empire, would become a German colony administered by Heinrich Himmler’s SS and police, Hermann Goring’s economic plunderers, and a host of other satraps. Focusing on the Zhytomyr region and weaving together official German war-time records, diaries, memoirs, and personal interviews, Wendy Lower provides the most complete assessment available of German colonization and the Holocaust in Ukraine. She shifts scholarly attention from Germany itself to the eastern outposts of the Reich, where the regime truly revealed its core beliefs, aims, and practices.
Hitler’s Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields
The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed
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