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Migliori Libri sul dharma

Questa è la pagina dedicata a dharma.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “The Dharma Manifesto: A New Vision for Global Transformation”.

I vagabondi del Dharma

I vagabondi del Dharma
Jack Kerouac
Nicoletta Vallorana
Ean: 9788804670360 Asin: 8804670363 Isbn: 8804670363 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 271 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Mondadori Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 12.35

Seguito ideale di “Sulla strada”, anche “I Vagabondi del Dharma” (1958) racconta le avventure dei beatnik impegnati nella ricerca, disordinata ma sincera, di una nuova verità che Kerouac e i suoi identificano con il Dharma dei buddhisti, il fine ultimo dell’universo e della vita. Il loro percorso spirituale è costellato di omeriche bevute nei ritrovi fumosi del quartiere cinese di San Francisco così come di esaltanti scalate fra le montagne della California; di meditazioni notturne nei boschi o sulle spiagge ma anche di orge ispirate a riti orientali. La prosa ora lirica ora umoristica di Kerouac, ricca di echi musicali, rende sempre avvincente e serrata la narrazione, che non rallenta neppure nelle pagine di più profonda meditazione e di più intenso lirismo descrittivo.

Narrativa straniera Narrativa contemporanea Narrativa moderna

The Dharma Manifesto: A New Vision for Global Transformation

The Dharma Manifesto: A New Vision for Global Transformation
Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
New Publisher
Ean: 9781907166327 Asin: 1907166327 Isbn: 1907166327 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 196 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: New publisher Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 20.42

The Dharma Manifesto is a call to action for those who seek a form of social and political action that has a firm spiritual foundation, but which also challenges the prevailing social and religious order in the postmodern West. It does not merely offer criticism – it is also a blueprint for how a national community founded upon Dharmic principles could operate in the twenty-first century. Its author defines the term “Dharma,” which in the ancient Sanskrit language means “Natural Law,” in an unconventional way. For those who embrace Dharma Nationalism, Dharma is predicated upon the pressing need for the organic and munificent resacralization of culture and of all human endeavor, as well as the manifestation of the highest potentials attainable by every individual in society in accordance with transcendental principles. Thus, Dharma does not only refer to traditions with which it is usually associated such as Hinduism and Buddhism, but also to the Taoist, Confucian, Zoroastrian, Native American, and European pagan traditions, all of which, this book holds, share a common, basic worldview. This book is therefore a resource for those who want to carry out both an inward, contemplative revolution within themselves as well an outer, social revolution in the world around them, in harmony with one another. It is intended to serve as a systematic program signaling the beginning of a what will hopefully be a new era in humanity’s eternal yearning for meaningful freedom and happiness. Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya is the founder, philosophical guide, and leader of the global Dharma Nation movement. He has been a follower of Sanatana Dharma (popularly known as “Hinduism”) for the last four decades, and has been a recognized authority in the tradition since 1988. He holds a doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He has written and lectured extensively on various issues related to Dharma at many academic conferences, universities and interfaith events.

Religion & spirituality Spirituality & beliefs books Other religions & beliefs Paganism & neo-paganism

L’intelligenza spirituale. Saggi sulla pratica del Dharma

L'intelligenza spirituale. Saggi sulla pratica del Dharma
Corrado Pensa
Astrolabio Ubaldini
Ean: 9788834014059 Asin: 8834014057 Isbn: 8834014057 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 168 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Astrolabio ubaldini Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 11.87
Religione Spiritualità Buddismo

Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose

Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose
Sahara Rose
Hay House UK
Ean: 9781788174589 Asin: 1788174585 Isbn: 1788174585 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 288 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Hay house uk Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 14.84

Your soul is calling you to step fully into your purpose, your truth, the reason why you’re here: your dharma. This book will guide you through the journey and lead you to a life of happiness, abundance, joyful service and fulfilment. Sahara Rose shares her unique approach to discovering your dharma through the Doshas (the Ayurvedic mind-body types) and the chakras (energy centres of the body). Take the ‘What’s Your Dharma Archetype?’ quiz and use your Dharma Blueprint to unlock the code of what you’re meant to do next, in your relationships, business and every facet of your life. Discovering your dharma is the most important work you can do. This is the perfect introduction to living in alignment for all spiritual seekers and anyone looking to become more self-aware.

Religion & spirituality New age & alternative beliefs Mindfullness & healing Inspiration & personal growth Libri in inglese Self-help & relationships Self-help general Spiritual Self-help & personal development Personal growth / happiness

Libro de Dharma: Dragones asesinos

Ean: 9788484214939 Asin: 8484214931 Isbn: 8484214931 Tipologia: Libro Formato: Copertina flessibile Lingua: Non disponibile Prezzo: 38.36

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