Questa è la pagina dedicata a krav maga.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Krav Maga Extreme Survival: Active Shooter * Carjacking * Home Invasion * Predator Profiling”.
Complete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to Over 250 Self-Defense and Combative Techniques
“Darren Levine has my unqualified support and gratitude for his contributions to Krav Maga.” -Imi Lichtenfeld, founder of Krav Maga THE TOP-SELLING GUIDE TO KRAV MAGA IN AN UPDATED AND EXPANDED EDITION All the defense moves in Complete Krav Maga-from beginner Yellow Belt to advanced Black Belt-are described in depth and illustrated with step-by-step photos: * BEGINNER: Punches, kicks, knee strikes and defense movements * INTERMEDIATE: Counterattacks against knives, guns and sticks * ADVANCED: Advanced strikes and ground fighting techniques Based on the principle that it is best to move from defense to attack as quickly as possible, Complete Krav Maga teaches fast-escape maneuvers combined with powerful counterattacks. Whether you are big or small, male or female, young or old, you can use Krav Maga to protect yourself by exploiting an assailant’s vulnerabilities.
Krav Magà Impara a Difenderti con semplicità
Krav Maga Extreme Survival: Active Shooter * Carjacking * Home Invasion * Predator Profiling
Trained by the top Israeli Defense Forces instructors, Gershon Ben Keren is one of the foremost professionals on the martial art of Krav Maga. In his third book, Ben Keren explains how to survive life-threatening real-world offenses;active shooters, carjackers, home invaders;and demonstrates how Krav Maga can be employed to respond to them.The result of extensive research including an analysis of over 140 active shooter incidents, Extreme Survival provides an apolitical view of personal safety concentrating on practical methods to survive violent situations.Each section of Extreme Survival has detailed instructions alongside a series of photographs that show move-by-move how to defend yourself and others against: Attacks in workplaces, homes, and public places; Unarmed attackers Assailants armed with knives, handguns, long barrel firearms, explosives, and improvised weapons; One-on-one assaults and attacks on groups; Attacks in open areas as well as in cramped spaces, such as inside a car. A 2011 inductee into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts, Ben Keren focuses on the psychology of violence to inform his self-defense training. His successful line of Krav Maga instructional books are the only guides on the market illustrated with full-colour photographs taken in real time and in real life settings. Emphasising an awareness of your surroundings combined with an aggressive response, Extreme Survival teaches practitioners to neutralise an assailant’s advantage early, before the situation escalates.
KRAV MAGA – ISRAELI SYSTEM OF SELF-DEFENSE: 100 attack and defense movements.
Krav Maga. Difesa contro un attacco armato
Creato originariamente dal Gran Maestro Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) per le Israel Defense Forces (IDF) e altri servizi di sicurezza israeliani, il Krav Maga è stato completamente adattato per soddisfare le esigenze di praticanti civili, in modo che qualunque cittadino comune, giovane o anziano, uomo o donna, possa utilizzarlo con successo in una situazione di pericolo reale. Le sue tecniche pratiche e facili da imparare grazie a moderni e sofisticati metodi di addestramento, combinate con tattiche difensive basate sulla logicità, formano un sistema di autodifesa caratterizzato dalla semplicità; ed è proprio questo il vero segreto dell’efficacia del Krav Maga. L’estrema instabilità della realtà politica e sociale israeliana ha fornito al Krav Maga ampie opportunità per essere testato in situazioni reali molto più violente dei normali scontri di strada, permettendo così di migliorarne e raffinarne sempre di più il sistema. Questo volume si concentra sui vari aspetti della difesa contro un aggressore armato di coltelli, oggetti non taglienti o armi da fuoco. Tra gli altri argomenti trattati ci sono: l’impiego degli oggetti d’uso comune come armi di difesa; le tecniche di difesa contro due aggressori armati e le tecniche di neutralizzazione di minacce con pistola o bomba a mano nei confronti di una terza persona tenuta in ostaggio.
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