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Robert Hobbs Libri Migliori da leggere e consigliati

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Robert Hobbs.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Making an Archtop Guitar: The Definitve Work on the Design and Construction of an Acoustic Archtop Guitar”.

Alice Aycock: Sculpture and Projects

Alice Aycock: Sculpture and Projects
Robert Hobbs
The MIT Press
Ean: 9780262083393 Asin: 0262083396 Isbn: 0262083396 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 400 Formato: Copertina rigida Editore: The mit press Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 9.49

A long-overdue monograph on a sculptor who draws not only on minimalism and conceptualism but on a rich web of intellectual and visual sources to create postmodern work that is a “complex” of juxtapositions.Alice Aycock’s large, semi-architectural works deal with the interaction of structure, site, materials, and the psychophysical responses of the viewer. Offered meaningful but contradictory clues by both her images and her texts, viewers attempt to discover not only what the work of art conveys but how it communicates its contents, in investigations that parallel the artist’s own. In Alice Aycock: Sculpture and Projects, Robert Hobbs examines the development of Aycock’s work over twenty years and her negotiation-along with other artists who came of age in the early 1970s-of the transition from modernism to postmodernism. “The problem,” wrote Aycock in 1977, “seems to be how to connect without connecting.” Hobbs describes Aycock’s strategies for doing just this: for creating a work with disparate image and texts that offer a new perspective on reality. Influenced by the “specific objects” of minimalism’s hybrid forms and by conceptualism’s emphasis on language, Aycock relies on paradigms, cybernetics, phenomenology, physics, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, information overload, outdated scientific thinking, and computer programming to create a “complex” that is architectural and sculptural as well as mental and emotional. Schizophrenia and other mental conditions, sometimes considered metaphors for the disconnections of postmodern existence, are specific sources of inspiration in Aycock’s work. By exploring the physical and existential positions of isolation, estrangement, disorientation, entrapment and fear, her three-dimensional constructions not only posit alternative states of mind, they suppose possible narratives and suggest multiple truths and lies. Aycock’s work invites the viewer to experience sculpture with the entire body and a fully mind. Her sculpture has had a transformative effect on the contemporary art experience.

Art Architecture & photography Art – history & criticism Sculpture & installation Libri in inglese Individual artists Individual artists / general

Il libro dei giochi delle vacanze

Il libro dei giochi delle vacanze
Geronimo Stilton
Valentina Grassini
Ean: 9788856645675 Asin: 885664567x Isbn: 885664567x Tipologia: Libro Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Piemme Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 9.31

“Per il compleanno di zia Lippa abbiamo organizzato una gita in campagna con tutta la famiglia Stilton. Che divertimento! Volete sapere a che cosa abbiamo giocato? In questo libro trovate tante idee per divertirvi in vacanza e a casa, da soli e in compagnia. Una raccolta di giochi veramente stratopici… parola di Stilton, Geronimo Stilton!” Età di lettura: da 6 anni.

Bambini Ragazzi Non fiction Hobby Quiz e giochi Da 6 anni

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League
Jeff Hobbs
Ean: 9781476731902 Asin: 147673190x Isbn: 147673190x Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 406 Formato: Copertina rigida Editore: Scribner Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 7.63

When author Jeff Hobbs arrived at Yale University, he became fast friends with the man who would be his college roommate for four years, Robert Peace. Robert’s life was rough from the beginning in the crime-ridden streets of Newark in the 1980s, with his father in jail and his mother earning less than $15,000 a year. But Robert was a brilliant student, and it was supposed to get easier when he was accepted to Yale, where he studied molecular biochemistry and biophysics. But it didn’t get easier. Robert carried with him the difficult dual nature of his existence, “fronting” in Yale, and at home. Through an honest rendering of Robert’s relationships-with his struggling mother, with his incarcerated father, with his teachers and friends and fellow drug dealers-The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peaceencompasses the most enduring conflicts in America: race, class, drugs, community, imprisonment, education, family, friendship, and love. It’s about the collision of two fiercely insular worlds-the ivy-covered campus of Yale University and Newark, New Jersey, and the difficulty of going from one to the other and then back again. It’s about poverty, the challenges of single motherhood, and the struggle to find male role models in a community where a man is more likely to go to prison than to college. It’s about reaching one’s greatest potential and taking responsibility for your family no matter the cost. It’s about trying to live a decent life in America. But most all the story is about the tragic life of one singular brilliant young man. His end, a violent one, is heartbreaking and powerful and unforgettable.

Biography & true stories Biography & autobiography Biography general General Libri in inglese Social science Psychology & education Sociology & anthropology Violence in society Social classes

Making an Archtop Guitar: The Definitve Work on the Design and Construction of an Acoustic Archtop Guitar

Making an Archtop Guitar: The Definitve Work on the Design and Construction of an Acoustic Archtop Guitar
Robert Benedetto
Centerstream Pub
Ean: 0888680727239 Asin: 1574243551 Isbn: 1574243551 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 274 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Centerstream pub Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 47.62

The Complete Book of Origami: Step-By-Step Instructions in over 1000 Diagrams/37 Original Models

The Complete Book of Origami: Step-By-Step Instructions in over 1000 Diagrams/37 Original Models
Robert J. Lang
Dover Pubns
Ean: 9780486258379 Asin: 0486258378 Isbn: 0486258378 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 154 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Dover pubns Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 14.24
Children & teens Juvenile nonfiction Art Art / techniques

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