Questa è la pagina dedicata a Scott Meyer.
In questa pagina troverai 4 prodotti, tra cui “Real Estate by the Numbers: A Complete Reference Guide to Deal Analysis”.
Mike Meyers’ CompTIA Security+ Certification Guide, Third Edition (Exam SY0-601)
An up-to-date CompTIA Security+ exam guide from training and exam preparation guru Mike Meyers Take the latest version of the CompTIA Security+ exam (exam SY0-601) with confidence using the comprehensive information contained in this highly effective self-study resource. Like the test, the guide goes beyond knowledge application and is designed to ensure that security personnel anticipate security risks and guard against them. In Mike Meyers’ CompTIA Security+ Certification Guide, Third Edition (Exam SY0-601), the bestselling author and leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification brings his proven methodology to IT security. Mike covers all exam objectives in small, digestible modules that allow you to focus on individual skills as you move through a broad and complex set of skills and concepts. The book features hundreds of accurate practice questions as well as a toolbox of the author’s favorite network security related freeware/shareware. Provides complete coverage of every objective for exam SY0-601 Online content includes 20+ lab simulations, video training, a PDF glossary, and 180 practice questions Written by computer security and certification experts Mike Meyers and Scott Jernigan
Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14
Real Estate by the Numbers: A Complete Reference Guide to Deal Analysis
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