Questa è la pagina dedicata a Sharon G Flake.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Rollercoasters: The Skin I’m In Reader”.
The life I’m in. Io non mi arrendo
Mia madre non sopportava i baffi di mio padre. Per farla contenta papà ogni tanto li tagliava. «L’amore è così» mi aveva detto lei una volta. «Se ami qualcuno sei disposto a sacrificare qualcosa.» A sedici anni Charlese “Char” Jones attraversa l’adolescenza come un campo di battaglia, rifiutando ogni aiuto, convinta che sopravviva solo il più forte. Espulsa dall’ennesima scuola, viene mandata a vivere dai nonni. Lungo la strada, però, incontra April, una ragazza in fuga, e Anthony, un uomo che farà leva sulla sua vulnerabilità e la trascinerà in un mondo in cui rischierà di perdersi. Uscirne sarà un percorso di trasformazione, crescita e rinascita. Dopo The skin I’m in Sharon Flake torna a parlare agli adolescenti come solo lei sa fare, affrontando con lucida umanità temi delicati e importanti.
Dopo The skin I’m in Sharon Flake torna a parlare agli adolescenti come solo lei sa fare, affrontando con lucida umanità temi delicati e importanti. – LaFeltrinelli
The Skin I’m In. Il colore della mia pelle
The Life I’m In
The powerful and long-anticipated companion to The Skin I’m In, Sharon Flake’s bestselling modern classic, presents the unflinching story of Char, a young woman trapped in the underworld of human trafficking. My feet are heavy as stones when I walk up the block wondering why I can’t find my old self. Char has always had to be tough. But now the hard edges that have always driven people away are all the protection she has against the world. When Char is turned out of her home, she falls prey to human trafficking. While she’s frightened, she remains smart and strong, determined to bring herself and fellow victims out of the dark. The Skin I’m In was a game changer that redefined young adult literature by presenting characters, voices, and real world experiences that had not been fully seen. Now Sharon Flake offers readers another timely and radical story of a girl on the brink and how her choices will lead her to either fall or fly.
Rollercoasters: The Skin I’m In Reader
The Skin I’m In
A brave, beautifully told story of an Afro-American teen dealing with colourism, racism and bullying – but given hope by the power of an inspirational and kind teacher. Maleeka suffers every day from the taunts of the other kids in her class. If they’re not getting at her about her homemade clothes or her good grades, it’s about her dark, black skin. When a new teacher, whose face is blotched with a startling white patch, starts at their school, Maleeka can see there is bound to be trouble for her too. But the new teacher’s attitude surprises Maleeka. Miss Saunders loves the skin she’s in. Can Maleeka learn to do the same? Features a new introduction by New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds.
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