Questa è la pagina dedicata a Andrew Aydin.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “March 3”.
March. Libro uno
La lunga marcia per i diritti civili in America parte da lontano e non è ancora finita Il primo fumetto vincitore del National Book Award «Forse gli americani lo hanno dimenticato. E pochi hanno più titoli di John Lewis per ricordarsi che aspetto ha la democrazia»The New York Times Oggi tendiamo a pensare che i risultati conseguiti dal movimento americano per i diritti civili siano stati un atto dovuto della democrazia, quasi un esito inevitabile del progresso sociale. Furono invece la dolorosa conquista di uomini e donne, spesso giovanissimi, che dovettero patire violenze indicibili lungo il corso di una protratta stagione di disciplina quotidiana, di addestramento alla non-violenza, di determinazione incrollabile verso uno storico obiettivo di giustizia. John Lewis, protagonista principe di quella stagione, consegna oggi a questo acclamato memoir in forma di graphic novel il vivido racconto dall’interno della lunga, e a oggi incompiuta, marcia americana per l’uguaglianza
March 3
2016 National Book Award Winner for Young People’s Literature #1 New York Times Bestseller Welcome to the stunning conclusion of the award-winning and best-selling MARCH trilogy. Congressman John Lewis, an American icon and one of the key figures of the civil rights movement, joins co-writer Andrew Aydin and artist Nate Powell to bring the lessons of history to vivid life for a new generation, urgently relevant for today’s world. By the fall of 1963, the Civil Rights Movement has penetrated deep into the American consciousness, and as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, John Lewis is guiding the tip of the spear. Through relentless direct action, SNCC continues to force the nation to confront its own blatant injustice, but for every step forward, the danger grows more intense: Jim Crow strikes back through legal tricks, intimidation, violence, and death. The only hope for lasting change is to give voice to the millions of Americans silenced by voter suppression: “One Man, One Vote.” To carry out their nonviolent revolution, Lewis and an army of young activists launch a series of innovative campaigns, including the Freedom Vote, Mississippi Freedom Summer, and an all-out battle for the soul of the Democratic Party waged live on national television. With these new struggles come new allies, new opponents, and an unpredictable new president who might be both at once. But fractures within the movement are deepening …even as 25-year-old John Lewis prepares to risk everything in a historic showdown high above the Alabama river, in a town called Selma.
Run: Book 1
First you march, then you run. From the #1 bestselling, award-winning team behind March comes the first book in their new, groundbreaking graphic novel series, Run: Book One “Run recounts the lost history of what too often follows dramatic change-the pushback of those who refuse it and the resistance of those who believe change has not gone far enough. John Lewis’s story has always been a complicated narrative of bravery, loss, and redemption, and Run gives vivid, energetic voice to a chapter of transformation in his young, already extraordinary life.” -Stacey Abrams “In sharing my story, it is my hope that a new generation will be inspired by Run to actively participate in the democratic process and help build a more perfect Union here in America.” -Congressman John Lewis To John Lewis, the civil rights movement came to an end with the signing of the Voting Rights Act in 1965. But that was after more than five years as one of the preeminent figures of the movement, leading sit-in protests and fighting segregation on interstate busways as an original Freedom Rider. It was after becoming chairman of SNCC (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) and being the youngest speaker at the March on Washington. It was after helping organize the Mississippi Freedom Summer and the ensuing delegate challenge at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. And after coleading the march from Selma to Montgomery on what became known as “Bloody Sunday.” All too often, the depiction of history ends with a great victory. But John Lewis knew that victories are just the beginning. In Run: Book One, John Lewis and longtime collaborator Andrew Aydin reteam with Nate Powell-the award-winning illustrator of the March trilogy-and are joined by L. Fury-making an astonishing graphic novel debut-to tell this often overlooked chapter of civil rights history.
March: Book One (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) by Andrew Aydin John Lewis (2013-08-13)

March. La trilogia

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