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Libri di Richard J. Davidson Migliori da leggere e consigliati

Questa è la pagina dedicata a Richard J. Davidson.

In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body”.

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body
Richard J. Davidson
Ean: 9780399184390 Asin: 0399184392 Isbn: 0399184392 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 336 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Avery Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 17.26
Religion & spirituality New age & alternative beliefs Mindfullness & healing Mindfulness & meditation Libri in inglese Science Computer & technology Biology & life sciences Life sciences / neuroscience Social science Psychology & education Psychology Psychology – theory History & research Cognitive neuroscience & cognitive neuropsychology

La vita emotiva del cervello

La vita emotiva del cervello
Sharon Begley
Ponte alle Grazie
Asin: B00froi5m4 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 411 Formato: Ebook Editore: Ponte alle grazie Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 11.99

La meditazione come medicina: Scienza, mindfulness e saggezza del cuore

La meditazione come medicina: Scienza, mindfulness e saggezza del cuore
Richard J. Davidson
Asin: B00wlcbztu Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 206 Formato: Ebook Editore: Mondadori Lingua: Italiano Prezzo: 7.99

The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live – and How You Can Change Them

The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live - and How You Can Change Them
Sharon Begley
Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.
Ean: 9781444708820 Asin: 1444708821 Isbn: 1444708821 Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 304 Formato: Copertina flessibile Editore: Hodder and stoughton ltd. Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 13.6

Why we behave the way we do has been the life study of pioneering neuroscientist Richard Davidson. Helping us to understand our own emotional responses and discover our unique ‘emotional style’, Davidson & Begley also show how we can retrain our brains through mindfulness and meditation to alter lifelong patterns of destructive or unhelpful behaviour. Practical and illuminating, this book expands our view of what it means to be human.

Religion & spirituality New age & alternative beliefs Body Mind & spirit general General Libri in inglese Self-help & relationships Self-help general Emotions Social science Psychology & education Psychology Psychology – theory History & research Cognitive neuroscience & cognitive neuropsychology

Emotional Self-Awareness: A Primer (Building Blocks of Emotional Intelligence Book 1) (English Edition)

Emotional Self-Awareness: A Primer (Building Blocks of Emotional Intelligence Book 1) (English Edition)
George Kohlrieser
More Than Sound, LLC
Asin: B01n7s3jmw Tipologia: Libro Pagine: 42 Formato: Ebook Editore: More than sound, llc Lingua: Inglese Prezzo: 8.48

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