Questa è la pagina dedicata a Eiji Yoshikawa.
In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Musashi: 2 volumi”.
Siamo agli inizi del Seicento, il giovanissimo Miyamoto Musashi sogna di diventare samurai. Diventa una vera e propria forza della natura, diventa insuperabile nell’arte della spada, ma il suo cuore è sensibile anche all’amore e a sentimenti di profonda umanità. Un’appassionata epopea d’avventura e d’amore che in Giappone ha ispirato molti film e sceneggiati televisivi.
Musashi: 2 volumi
The classic samurai novel about the real exploits of the most famous swordsman. The classic samurai novel about the real exploits of the most famous swordsman. Miyamoto Musashi was the child of an era when Japan was emerging from decades of civil strife. Lured to the great Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 by the hope of becoming a samurai-without really knowing what it meant-he regains consciousness after the battle to find himself lying defeated, dazed and wounded among thousands of the dead and dying. On his way home, he commits a rash act, becomes a fugitive and brings life in
Taira no Masakado (English Edition)
Uesugi Kenshin (English Edition)
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