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In questa pagina troverai 5 prodotti, tra cui “Ricette per pentola a pressione: le migliori ricette per pentola a pressione (per veri appassionati)”.
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Friggitrice ad aria Zero Sbatti: Ricettario Ufficiale | Ricette testate che ti accompagnano tutto l’anno: dagli antipasti al dolce, passando da specialità regionali, street food e peccati di gola
Ricette per pentola a pressione: le migliori ricette per pentola a pressione (per veri appassionati)
Book description: Mystery and secrecy come to light after 5 decades in an exciting story which reveals the complot to hide the inventions and discoveries of Doctor Rojas, a key scientist behind the landing of mankind on the moon. In the middle of the “Cold War” and while he was working for NASA, Doctor Rojas met with a president, travelled to the former Soviet Union, took the fateful decision to agree to an interview in Washington D.C. and afterward, what happened? The parties involved claim not to have any knowledge of him, but the truth is that this story is based on real events. While the 50th anniversary of the first manned landing on the moon approaches, we are presented with this fascinating book, which consists of two parts For starters it’s a tribute to the posthumous memory of astrophysicist Héctor. R. Rojas, who was able to travel to the moon on secret NASA flights, and in the second part, the author presents his lifelong thoughts about the UFO phenomenon. Without a doubt it’s an exciting story, written in simple and direct language.
Cucinare Con La Pentola A Pressione: 100 Ricette facili della dieta Mediterranea per mangiare sano e con gusto.
Ricette: Collezione: Pentole a pressione: Manuale pratico per cucinare in maniera gustosa: Cucinare con la pentola a pressione: le migliori ricette per pentola a pressione: (Ricette Facili e Gustose)
Ricette: Cucinare con la pentola a pressione: pronto in trenta minuti o meno! (Ricettario: Pressure Cooker)
The most important food human beings must have must be all that food that is highly rich in fiber. Remember that fiber is ideal for the improvement and optimal functioning of the intestinal flora to improve the transit, the digestive system, avoiding constipation. It is essential for you to consume fiber, and to increase the intake of it, through food that contains a high source of fiber and you must have this as a basic rule when it comes to diets for a better appearance and a purely healthy life .
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